When can you stop burping a baby?
When can you play peek-a-boo with a baby and have them understand the game? (Cooper doesn't yet!)
When do you start thinking of potty training? (I know I have a while yet!)
When did you start feeding solids?
When did you take your baby for an eye check-up? A dentist visit?
When did your baby say their first (real) word?
Lastly.... how can I keep Cooper just the way he is????? Part of me wants to see all the above happen (especially the potty training!) but another part wants him to stay the baby he is right now!!
(Cooper's Dog Ivy wanted in on the picture action! Cooper finally recognizes Ivy as a familiar face and laughs whenever she gets close enough for him to see/touch her!

Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago. God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)http://www.picturetrail.com/gid8138761
All I can answer is the peek a boo question. It's called object permanence, it develops at about 6-8 months. When you play peek-a-boo with him now he thinks you go away for ever. When your face isn't there they think you disappear and it can actually be upsetting for them. At around 6-8 months they develop object permanence, where even when they cannot see you they know you are there. That's when the game becomes fun for them!

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
It's been so long since my baby was a baby I can't answer most of your questions...but can throw in a few cents on a few of them...
Re potty training...I believe around 1 1/2 - 2 years is when you 'start' potty training...but it'll take a while until they've got the hang of it.
Re the eye check up - I'd hazard a guess that your dr checks his eyes for basic problems now when you take him in. I don't recall ever taking my son for an actual eye exam until we were doing our physicals to come overseas. He was about 4 1/2 when I took him...they dilated his eyes w/o telling me that's what they were doing (and I wouldn't have understood anyways...I'd never had it done). They put the drops in his eyes and said to give it 30-45 minutes to kick in. He was hungry, so I told him we'd go to the little store across the street to get a snack. He was like a drunk man trying to find the door handle...which I thought odd...then we went to the store and I told him to pick out what he wanted and he kept complaining he couldn't 'see' what things were. I got something for him and we went back over to the dr...and that's when they explained about the dilation.
First words? Da-da-da probably around 10-11 months? Knowing exactly what it means? 12-13 months...then ma-ma-ma...and then you'll be amazed how new words just show up every day.
No luck keeping them little and cuddly. Years ago, I forbade my son to grow any more...and I remind him on a regular basis that he blatantly disobeyed me on that. He's taller than I am now.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
When can you play peek-a-boo with a baby and have them understand the game? (Cooper doesn't yet!) I believe we started getting a giggle and enjoying it around six months of age.
When do you start thinking of potty training? (I know I have a while yet!) I didn't, I saw everyone around me struggling, bribing and freaking out about it and I decided I didn't want the stress, I could not for the life of me ever remember watching a first grader getting on the bus to school wearing diapers, so I choose to not potty train at all. I told them about the toilet and what you do on it, and that was it. One day David came to me and said "I am done with this" and handed me his diaper( I believe it was just two months shy of his thrid birthday), he never looked back and never had an accident., the next followed him within a week because they wanted to be "big" like him.
When did you start feeding solids? I never fed baby food from a jar or did rice cereal, I started them off on the food I was feeding me and DH, just mushed up at about 8 months, then started finger food shortly after that.
When did you take your baby for an eye check-up? A dentist visit? I have a congenital eye defect, and while it does not bother my vision it needs to be checked every year to make sure that it hasn't grown, because the kids could have it the doctor wanted me to get a baseline scan for them around age one, so I am not sure what age kids normally go to the eye doctor but for us it was 12 months. For teeth we waited until they where two because it took them forever to get all of their teeth.
When did your baby say their first (real) word? Is it sad that I don't remember? I believe they where close to one (but we had some speech issues that had to be corrected with threapy, so again my timeline could be way off from what yours will be).
When can you play peek-a-boo with a baby and have them understand the game? (Cooper doesn't yet!) ... again 6 months ish
When do you start thinking of potty training? (I know I have a while yet!) .. i plan on trying to start around 2... if he shows "signs" of being ready
When did you start feeding solids? ... 2 weeks he had ceral in the bottle... started feeding him from a spoon at about 7 weeks... the formula just wasnt enough
When did you take your baby for an eye check-up? A dentist visit? ... havent event thought about it yet... ill ask the dr at his 1 year appt on the 12th
When did your baby say their first (real) word? .. he says woah when he falls or i push him fast and do pop a wheelies in the stroller... but thats about it LOL
Good Luck,
Never thought about that one...normally when they can sit up, hold their own head, etc
When can you play peek-a-boo with a baby and have them understand the game? (Cooper doesn't yet!)
Emad does it all the time now but we started at about 6 mths and he laughed and giggled but I think he was past 1 when he really enjoyed it and played along
When do you start thinking of potty training? (I know I have a while yet!)
We are working on it now, Emad turns 2 this month...I think it depends on the child and their interest level. He KNOWS he will get to practice pee pee before bath time at night and he will go...and usually he will ask to go in the morning. He is getting to hate a wet diaper and wants it off so I figured it is a good time!
When did you start feeding solids? Strarted cereal at about 4-5 mths, baby foods at about 6 months, and True solids shortly after a year old and when he had enough teeth...before that is was mainly soft, semi soft foods, puree, etc
When did you take your baby for an eye check-up? They normally just check for visual acuity at the pedi and if signs are evident refer, otherwise I think they get one prior to starting school.
A dentist visit? Most dentists, pediatric, or otherwise, do not/will not schedule a visit until the childs 3rd birthday unless an emergency occurs
When did your baby say their first (real) word? At about 10 months old he said Mama and I knew he meant it...not babbling
Lastly.... how can I keep Cooper just the way he is????? Part of me wants to see all the above happen (especially the potty training!) but another part wants him to stay the baby he is right now!! Let me know if you figure that one out...Emad turns 2 this month and I wonder where the time went?
When can you play peek-a-boo with a baby and have them understand the game? (Cooper doesn't yet!) Hannah really got the meaning of the game around 9 months old. She would actively play with us. I think she really enjoyed the game starting around 6 months.
When do you start thinking of potty training? Hannah is 19 months old. I orginally wanted to start potty training at 2. I will have a newborn when she is two and I'm afraid it will make her regress. Hopefully around 2 1/2 she will be used to having a baby brother and we can start training.
When did you start feeding solids? 4 months. I started with green beans and only gave one new food a week to make sure there was no allergy. My ped. suggested waiting six months, but she would smack her lips when we ate and it broke my heart. She had acid reflux and I really think solids helped with that quite a bit. (She had rice cereal mixed in her milk from 4 weeks old, the dr. recommended that to help with the reflux).
When did you take your baby for an eye check-up? Not for sure about the eye appointment.
A dentist visit? Her Dr. just told me last visit the first check up is recommended between ages two and three. Unless there is a problem, I'm waiting until she is 3 before I add her to our dental insurance (I know I'm cheap lol).
When did your baby say their first (real) word? She was about 10 months old when I knew she knew what she was saying.
Lastly.... how can I keep Cooper just the way he is????? Part of me wants to see all the above happen (especially the potty training!) but another part wants him to stay the baby he is right now!!
Let Cooper grow up and keep having a baby each year lol.