I have the FLU...? On Tamiful for babies???
Well...it was confirmed yesterday, I have the FLU. Not swine flu, just the "regular " flu. I am miserable. I started feeling bad on Wednesday and it came to a head yesterday so I went to the urgent care clinic because I could not get in to see my primary care. I feel like I have a mack truck in my chest, fever/chills, body aches, just overall miserable. I am worried about Emad as he has had the sniffles for a few days. I stayed away from him as much as possible yesterday, hubby took over when I got home and today he is at the drop off daycare near our home we sometimes use for a few hours as I could not even drive across town near work to Fatima's to have her watch him today. Hubby will pick him up this evening when he is off work. He had some important things to do today and could not be off all day. It sucks not having any family trustworthy enough to rely on (other than in Morocco) but that is life. Anyhow, the clinic did not give me the Tamiflu, just recommended OTC meds, lot of fluids, etc and if the fever does not break in 48 hrs to see my primary care. No real meds for a virus, it just has to run its course. I have been doing Theraflu, aspirin, and fluids as tolerable. I have no appetite. I was fasting anyhow yesterday, part of my 6 extra optional days of Ramadan, and surprisingly have managed to lose 3 lbs in as many days. I think my body is just run down after Ramadan so more susceptible to illness. Anyhow, the clinic recommend I call Emad's pedi, explain the situation, and see if he needs to be seen or needs to get the Tamiful, as they recommend it for kids under age 5 that are exposed to flu...anyone else been in this situation, had this experience? I left a message with the nurse for his pedi and am waiting for a callbk but just thought I would check in with you all as well. Thanks!
That really sucks, Samara! I know the challenges of not having reliable family nearby. I truly hope you can get some rest today and that Emad stays flu-free. No idea on the meds other than administering within 12hrs of first symptoms (according to my PCP)
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
Sorry you're feeling like crap. I hope you're feeling better soon...and pray your DH and Emad don't catch it from you. Don't have a clue re the tamiflu, but hope you get some answers here and/or from the pedi.
Keep drinking. That's probably the most important thing right now.
Keep drinking. That's probably the most important thing right now.
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Mom to Khaled
Thanks Holly. SInce getting the meds, some rest, etc I am feeling better. I actually was fasting the day I went to the doctor and fasted again today (part of the 6 optional/extra days) and have been ok. Figured if I feel like crap may as well. We did end up getting the Tamiflu, the pedi prescribed it for me and Emad so hopefully that helps....had to go to 3 different pharmacies for mine, but Emads we got at the pedi pharmacy next door to his doctors.