reallly rought time.... help please ladies
I dont think I will probably get a lot of responces because I have been a mess a lot lately but I needed to vent.
I had some spotting while hubby and I were on vacation in Traverse City Monday... and since then some light brown spotting.. no cramping tho still nausious some, tired as all get out and my chest is very sensitive and my back still hurts so everything is still there, but with this its not good timing...
Tomorrow I will be as far along as I was back in June when I had the MC, I know that every pregnancy is different, but god I just cant help from being gun shy scared terrified and all of it...
I franticallly txt messaged Liz on Monday to try to feel better and even pathetically took a PG test today (I know dumb right) but I thought it would make me feel better...
I needed to talk to someone that would understand... Thanks all!!
MC 09/2009
MC 11/2009
D&C, polyp removal, and division of partial septum 4/20/2010
Good luck to you,
I had my tubal reversed back in 2005 and it took a year to get pregnant. That was weird for me as in the past, I just had to think pregnancy and it happened. When I miscarried at 7 weeks, I was shocked. Got pregnant again and carried to 11 weeks and lost that baby. When I got pregnant with Reagan 8 months later, I was a basket case to say the least. My doctor did put me on progesterone as a precaution. I still had some spotting and we just didn't know if I would carry him. I remember the anxiety and fears. The analyzing of every symptom or lack of symptom for more than 30 minutes etc. It was nerve wracking!
I can't tell you the magic key to getting through "the time until" as it is just hard on us women. We know the intense pain we experienced in the past and how we just didn't think we could get past it and move on. As I sit here 5 weeks pregnant and worrying myself I just have to keep myself calm. The anxiety won't help and worrying won't change the outcome. My husband is guarded.
My attitude this time around: "For today, I am blessed because my little angle is snug inside of me growing. I will rejoice for today and relish in the miracle of life that God has allowed me to experience. Tomorrow I will take as it comes but today is a joyous day."
That is the only advice I can offer having suffered loss in the past as well. I know if I don't carry this baby that I will be devasted but today....well, I rejoice.
I hope this helps and encourages you. This board is also a great place to get support.
Our blessing arrived 2/15/08~~6 lbs 12 1/2 oz~~20 inches long
Babies are the greatest of all God's blessings...We will call our blessing Reagan David
Today...I am PREGNANT.
Today...I AM pregnant.
Today...I am pregnant.
TODAY...I am pregnant.
I wish there were magic words to tell you that things will be fine...but there's no way of knowing which pregnancies are just spotting and which are miscarriages. I'd suggest seeing your dr, just for your piece of mind. Have him test your hcg levels and progesterone....then re-test the hcg two days later and see if it's doubling. I know when/if I get pg again...I'm going to have them do that every wee****il I'm mentally secure in the knowledge that maybe...just maybe...that one will stick around. Above all....know that what you're feeling right now is perfectly normal....and you're not alone, no matter how lonely and scared you're feeling. There are a ton (no pun intended!) of women on this board who have had everything from spotting to gushing blood...and went on to have perfectly normal, healthy babies. I pray that you are one of them.
Remember...As of right now...this minute, this hour, this day....YOU ARE PREGNANT. Don't loose sight of that by giving into the 'what ifs.'
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled