Think we found a solution to the car space problem.
A thread was started on babycenter about what people with three kids were driving and someone said they had a friend that had triplets. Well, that friend had a Saturn Vue and she fit all three of them in the back seat because she used Sunshine Kids Carseats. They are way more narrow than other carseats.
We own both of our cars free and clear. Mine has under 40,000 miles on it and it is a 2003. I don't go out much. I love it though and I can't see going into debt for a new car when I don't really need one.
The carseats are a little pricey, but they convert up to 80 lbs. and no major debt.
We own both of our cars free and clear. Mine has under 40,000 miles on it and it is a 2003. I don't go out much. I love it though and I can't see going into debt for a new car when I don't really need one.
The carseats are a little pricey, but they convert up to 80 lbs. and no major debt.
I don't agree. I have a 2008 Vue and I'm telling you right now that there is no way that 3 car seats and all of their stuff is fitting in the backseat. Granted we don't have those particular car seats, but still. The cargo space alone that's used up by the double stroller is insane.
So we are getting a new car to replace the Vue. I will add that my husband has a 2005 Trailblazer and that wouldn't hold all 3 kids and their stuff either.
So we are getting a new car to replace the Vue. I will add that my husband has a 2005 Trailblazer and that wouldn't hold all 3 kids and their stuff either.

It depends, I have a 2004 Vue and it's bigger than the newer Vues! The new ones are made smaller because Saturn now has the bigger suv.
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
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I was skeptical about them being that narrow, but I measured the back of the wagon and they will fit. I really just don't want to buy a car. Alex is starting college in 2 1/2 years and we were planning on getting one then and giving him Dave's Kia Rio. It's got good gas mileage. Besides, we'll have college expenses(even though he has a fund).
I'm being such a penny
I'm being such a penny
hehe. I was raised by a widowed mother and I am the youngest of twelve kids. I think I could be a millionaire and would still pinch pennies.
I'm very proud of the fact that we are a single income family(a soldier's income) and are debt free---besides our house.
Dave might make the money, but I save it. He loves me for it...most of the time.
I'm very proud of the fact that we are a single income family(a soldier's income) and are debt free---besides our house.
Dave might make the money, but I save it. He loves me for it...most of the time.
Be careful with the Vue - there was a class action lawsuit against Saturn because they sold Vue's knowing that there were issues with the transmissions. My mother had her transmission replaced TWICE - once before finding out about the lawsuit and once after. She loves her Vue but is constantly having problems with it. It's very cheaply made. I have a Saturn Ion and feel the same way - they are also very light (not sure where you live but they aren't so great in the winter.)
I'm looking to get a bigger vehicle too and am so lost as to where to even start. *Booo*
I'm looking to get a bigger vehicle too and am so lost as to where to even start. *Booo*