must be the hormones
This morning I feel like meltdown is imminent :( Not sure why I haven't had any human interaction yet. I almost called out sick but drug myself out of the house. I was falling asleep driving in. HAd to get out and take a few laps around the car to be safe. Now I am at work and I just want to go home! Ugh! Maybe I'll leave early. I think it is so funny that I can sleep for 9 hours and wake up just as tired as when I went to sleep! lol I just keep telling myself that means that everything is OK and going as planned Calling the OB this morning, around 9 to make my US appt! That will be the highlight of my day!
Thanks for listening as always ladies
Thanks for listening as always ladies
Oh yeah, the tiredness---It's supposed to be getting better around now for me. Alex(the teenogre) is convinced I am taking drugs. Last night, Dave made dinner. It was very sweet, steak, mashed potatoes and corn....hehe, the man only know how to grill. Anyway, I was eating and I literally almost fell asleep into my dinner.