25 weeks and gestational diabetes follow up.
Baby looks great! Baby is measuring at 6.5 days head of the dd and 2.2 total lbs right now. Everything looks perfect! I got a few pictures and I will include a crappy blurry picture that I took w/ my cell phone. I also went and saw the endocrinologist regarding my glucose test. She was so confused as to why my OB wanted me to see her. She said my #'s were perfect and I had no reason to be there and nothing to worry about. I was right all along but my OB & nurse would not listen to me. Grrrr how frustrating!! I'm just glad all is well. I currently feel great. I can eat well and the baby is moving all over the place. My baby bump is growing at a rapid pace. I finally went out and bought some maternity pants. They are wonderful! I am now getting the itch to start working on the nursery. I'm super excited to get started on that!! I enclosed a picture of the nursery. Let me know what you think!
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"
Pre-op 284/Current 180/Goal 145 5'5
Surgery Date:April 23, 2007