Doctors Visit
Well on Sunday an had a little strand of blood. Being that I lost my last one I was terrified. I went to the doctor yesterday and had a slight anxiety attack and when the ultrasound came up my little peanut was moving his/her little arms around as to say hi mom I am okay. They did blood work and it came back that my progesterone level had dropped a little. It was still in a good range but they started my on progesterone. I have have to take it twice a day for two weeks. I am so glad that I have a doctor who is on top of things. We have not told our children yet because it was devastating for all of us when we lost our last baby and I do not want to put them through that again. They know I have had doctors appointments and such. Well my 9 and 7 year old asked me if I was dying tonight. I told them no that I am just trying to get healthy. I think I am going to have to tell them soon.