Question about temping.
Well, not sure what happened. I can't see it now either.
We were actively trying. This was my first month temping. I just observed cervical mucus the month before. I found it very helpful to temp though and glad I did. I was able to see a definite difference between before O temps and after O temps. Since I'm 37 we really didn't think I'd get pregnant as quickly as I did. We really lucked out and are sooooo excited!!!
I notice the CM but not really the difference / time of month. I think this month we're going to try an OPK so I don't miss O'ing all together. I'm 34, I figured age would play some part in it?
Congrats again on your pregnancy, I'm excited for ya! Wishing you and baby a happy and healthy 9 months.
Congrats again on your pregnancy, I'm excited for ya! Wishing you and baby a happy and healthy 9 months.
Proud Mom of Brantley Alexander, 6 1/2 years old .
"CoCo" November 2009,
July 2010