OMG, please someone help
I have bled two days in a row, deep red blood and enough to make the water red, both when i was having my daily bowel movement right around 5 pm. (Sorry TMI). Anyways, yesterday when it happened I freaked out of course because it was a good amount of blood. I wiped and realized it wasnt coming from my butt, which is what I thought because I am constipated EVERY DAY! For sure it was from my vagina. It went away soon after with nothing else to report. Today when i went in to the bathroom I wiped first to make sure there was no sign of blood and there wasnt, then i proceeded to go to the bathroom. I started bleeding again. It again was so much to make the water red, not pinkish red, but red. I wiped and there blood on the toilet paper from my vagina and just kept wiping till it was gone. Now its pretty much done so im sure it is not a miscarriage...right? Has anyone ever had this? Or know what this could be? Its just so weird that it happens when i have a bowel movement, but why from my vagina and not my butt? Please help.
I have lost 112lbs since my surgery in November of 2007. Ready for a baby now.
If it has never happened before call your OB. I am now 20 week (today, yay!) and it has been happening on and off throughout my pregnancy EXACTLY as you described. I have a sensitive cervix is what I was told (bleeds easily) and will not harm the baby. I also have some cervical fibroids which the doc doesn't think are the issue (they are VERY small) but I think might have something to do with it. I ONLY get it with BM's. Breathe, it is most likely nothing but definately report it. I got an internal and external U/S the first 2 times it happened.
Thanks guys. I actually didnt realize when I posted the question that it was still early enough to call my doc. I did and the nurse was so very helpful. I told her the problem and she said "I know exactly what that is". I was so relieved. she said that since i am taking progesterone that that makes my cervix falible, i think that was the word. she said it makes the cervix soft therefore easier to bleed. She told me to get more fiber to hopefully not have to strain and cause the bleeding. So that was definately great news and I hope if anybody else goes through this, they now see that here is nothing major to worry about.
I have lost 112lbs since my surgery in November of 2007. Ready for a baby now.
Not preggers but this still might help. I am on pre-natals so I have constipation issues BAD. I eat 2 activia and a fiber one (or generic) bar a day. I make sure I try to get 2 liters of water in too. So far I am better.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10