Embarassing question for the PCOSers
OK ladies so I know that this is a classic symptom of PCOS/IR. I THOUGHT that it would get better as I lost the weight but it hasn't. What do you do about the facial hair?? IT's so embarassing. I have SUPER sensitive skin that I can't wax. So I am stuck tweezing and still even get bumps and irritation from that. I don't have a ton but I am fair skinned and everything shows. I get a few dark ones on my jaw line near my ear lobe and a few under my chin. Just curious to see what you ladies do since I know quite a few of you are PCOS suffers as well. I am hoping that I don't need to go back on the meds (was on metformin for years and it made me so sick), I am assuming that the OB would have mentioned something about it with everything that has gone on - I will ask next time I am there though.
Thanks so much (in advance) ladies!
Thanks so much (in advance) ladies!
I swallowed my pride and told my husband about my facial hair problems several years ago. I told him that I wanted to go for laser hair removal treatments. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I initially went to a local salon and asked about waxing and was referred to a OB/GYN's office who does laser hair removal. I started with 2 initial treatments and go for a maintenance treatment every 6-9 months. I suggest that you shop around and see what's available because some places charge an arm & a leg. Good luck!
I never had PCOS but my cousin has it. She is also fair skinned and has literally a full beard if she let it grow it. It's so heartbreaking because she shaves it and you can tell as it looks like she has a 5 o'clock shadow.
My sister has a really hairy upper lip, we're dark Italians, and when she was 11 she got electrolysis on her mustache. You have to do it a couple of times but her upper lip is gone now. It's a little irritating when you're getting it done, but it is permanent. I don't know if it's an option for you, but it's a good option, and since it's just your face it's shouldn't be too expensive.
My sister has a really hairy upper lip, we're dark Italians, and when she was 11 she got electrolysis on her mustache. You have to do it a couple of times but her upper lip is gone now. It's a little irritating when you're getting it done, but it is permanent. I don't know if it's an option for you, but it's a good option, and since it's just your face it's shouldn't be too expensive.
MY WLS RECIPE BLOG! -- Check it out http://plusizedbarbie.blogspot.com/

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
feeling good, finally feeling some exaustion and nausea which I'm happy about because it's making me feel more pregnant LOL
MY WLS RECIPE BLOG! -- Check it out http://plusizedbarbie.blogspot.com/

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
I had the laser hair removal done on my abdomen and LOVED it. I tried the electrolysis on my face and HATED it. It hurt, I still have the SAME problems, and like you - I am WAAAAAY too sensitive to wax and swell up like I've been stung by bees.
I want laser hair removal done on MANY parts of my body. I just wish I could afford it. It's not cheap and you have to go every 13 weeks or so for like 4 sessions to get it permanently done. I had my tummy done 3 times and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! It hurts like a sunburn but not nearly as bad as electrolysis.
Other than that, I'd suggest bleaching it. But that don't make it go away. And speaking of hairy faces, I was JUST noticing a major coarse hair on my chin just MINUTES before I saw your post! Off to tweeze....
I want laser hair removal done on MANY parts of my body. I just wish I could afford it. It's not cheap and you have to go every 13 weeks or so for like 4 sessions to get it permanently done. I had my tummy done 3 times and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! It hurts like a sunburn but not nearly as bad as electrolysis.
Other than that, I'd suggest bleaching it. But that don't make it go away. And speaking of hairy faces, I was JUST noticing a major coarse hair on my chin just MINUTES before I saw your post! Off to tweeze....
I don't have PCOS, that I know of, but I have the facial hair and HATE IT! I have done laser hair removal quite a few times and it has slowly gotten better. The hairs aren't as course, thick and dark. I had to stop while I was pregnant and they got pretty bad, but i have gone back a few times since and it has helped. I also get it done on my underarms because I HATE shaving them. Ever since I got my arms done my armpits are hard to shave (they cave in with my arm up and I have nicked my scars a few times and made them bleed). We have a place here called Laser for Less and it is super cheap and they have a good reputation. Just check around, it is worth the money. I think my face was like $50 each time, after 6 times if you have to go back then it is half off each time.
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"