I need ideas ..
on 8/19/09 3:41 am
Hubby and I will be in 2 different states for the 20 week sex appointment (sounds totally weird but you all know what I mean) and for the entire pregnancy and first year of our baby's life pretty much.
I need some ideas on how to let him know the sex of our baby. OR better yet, how can we make it so that we both find out at the same time and I can see the reaction on his face when he figures it out?
I thought i might ask the doctor is i can set up a web cam at the appointment during the sonogram but I know that usually the lights are off so i don't know how well that would work and my appointment might conflict with his work schedule too.
Any other ideas?
It's really important for him to feel included in this whole processes. He is already going to be missing out on so much.
OR, if you really want you can get the doctors office to put it on DVD while you DO NOT watch and then you can just burn him a copy and you can watch it at the same time over web cam!!
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

Or, take someone with you to your appointment. Have the doctor secretly tell them the sex. Then, that person tells both of you at the same time on the phone or when he is via web-cam with you.