Ovulation test

Mslayd02 aka Mrs.

on 8/17/09 10:15 pm - Durham, NC
Thanks guys for all the response yesterday...I have million questions.
In your opinion, ovulation test or a waste of money. My doctor seems think its a really good idea because even when you have signs ovulation it could be a day or tow after you have actually ovulated.
The other questions I looked at them in the stores and they range any where from 20.00 to 50.00. Any recommendations?


Jesse H.
on 8/17/09 10:20 pm - Shermans Dale, PA
The First Response ones are good.  I used them once and that's all I needed!  I'm not one to do all the charting and all of that but would do it if the ovulation tests did not work.  Some say waste of money but I say it worked for me.  Good Luck!

Sara S.
on 8/17/09 10:30 pm
I use Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor only because my cycles arent always the same.
Please do not use the Answer Brand POAS ones... they will give you a false positive. You can use the Answer Brand that you pee in a cup and dip the strip.

Clear Blue Easy Also makes Ovulation kits, as does First Response. I love my CBEFM.

Are you temping as well? If you are...please use Fertilityfriend.com it will help you learn your cycles.


Mom to Haleigh born 04/14/10 and Dylan 05/15/12
Mslayd02 aka Mrs.

on 8/17/09 11:10 pm - Durham, NC
Yes we are attempting. I have been using Fertilityfrined.com for the past 3 months to kinda track things and it has definitely been helpful.

How does the CBEFM differ from the others, because I have noticed that based on Fertility friend my cycle fluctuates a little bit.



Sara S.
on 8/17/09 11:14 pm
It will help track your cycle from Day 1. You pee on a stick usually starting CD9 and it will give you a Low, High, and Then Peak day...Peak day is when you are most likely to ovualate. Do a google search and you can find many reviews on it.

Also do you have a think to your chart for FF?


Mom to Haleigh born 04/14/10 and Dylan 05/15/12
Mslayd02 aka Mrs.

on 8/17/09 11:54 pm - Durham, NC

I didnt understand your last question about FF. I am googling now.


Sara S.
on 8/18/09 1:33 am
Do you have the link to your chart on Fertility Friend?? You can share them.


Mom to Haleigh born 04/14/10 and Dylan 05/15/12
on 8/17/09 11:35 pm - UT

Hey Girl-
            As soon as my sister told me about the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor I went out and bought one.  Then I read that if you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Sydrome) that it can give you false negatives, etc.  BUT I also heard that with any Ovulation Predictor kits.  So anyway.... I buy the Dollar Store brand ones, but I get them at BIG LOTS. It's like a pack of 7 for $6 or somethin like that. They work just fine for me..... so I have never used my CBEFM.  I need to sell it I think! 

Ann D.
on 8/17/09 11:54 pm - Amelia, OH
You can get cheap ones online from babywishes.org or babywishes.com.  You can 50 of them for like $20.  They always worked for me, but not for everyone.

As for the fertility monitor, it is useful if you have inconsistent cycles.  However, if your cycle is a consistent length within a few days, you normally always ovulate within the same few days, and thus it isn't worth the money.  For me -- unmedicated, I always O CD 14 - 16, so I was just spending money to tell me that month after month.  So, I would go for cheap OPKs if you are regular.

Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!

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Mslayd02 aka Mrs.

on 8/18/09 12:11 am - Durham, NC
Thanks Ann. I am pretty regular, seems like I am fluctuate at the most about 5 days.  So I am start out with something cheaper to see how it goes.


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