Late Birth Story-loaded with pics
Hi everyone! Sorry this took so long to get this posted! I have been trying too but family being here has made things a little out of sorts.
But all is super good!
So I was scheduled for a C-section this Wednesday the 19th AND Lucas had other plans. Last Wednesday night went to bed as usual having weird period like cramps but didn't think much of it as I had been contracting off and on already. I got up on one of my usual 30 minute pee trips, after sitting there a while in the dark in my sleepy stuper thought I was done peeing but it was still coming so it took me a minute to realize it WASN'T pee my water had broke HOLY COW now what DH is 4 hours away with work and I am here with my 18 year old and 3 ten year olds, so I tried to gather myself in between giggles and holy craps, I call DH tell him, call the doc and they say come now, well I of course had to take a shower and shave the pits and stuff ewwww!
So I then call my mom an hour away, wake the kids and out we go!
We get there and yep it was my water...duh it was pouring out of me. I got lucky and my fav doc was on the on call the one was scheduled to do my cection already so i was happy!
So everyone arrived, DH finally got there at 6:30am and we went back for the section at 7:10!
Everything went fast, smooth and really pleasant, Lucas Walker Dalrymple was born at 8:00am exactly! 7lbs 12 oz, 19.5 inches long and perfect! I really don't think things could have gone any better at all!
Thanks Andrea S. for sharing our news! Sorry the pics were so late!! Thanks for all the well wishes from all of you that posted!! Once family leaves I hope to be back at least a little to "normal" Oh and it amazes me how much after 4 kids you can still fall in LOVE with a new baby but I am sooooo in LOVE! Thanks for taking the time to look and let me share my baby with you!

But all is super good!
So I was scheduled for a C-section this Wednesday the 19th AND Lucas had other plans. Last Wednesday night went to bed as usual having weird period like cramps but didn't think much of it as I had been contracting off and on already. I got up on one of my usual 30 minute pee trips, after sitting there a while in the dark in my sleepy stuper thought I was done peeing but it was still coming so it took me a minute to realize it WASN'T pee my water had broke HOLY COW now what DH is 4 hours away with work and I am here with my 18 year old and 3 ten year olds, so I tried to gather myself in between giggles and holy craps, I call DH tell him, call the doc and they say come now, well I of course had to take a shower and shave the pits and stuff ewwww!
So I then call my mom an hour away, wake the kids and out we go!
We get there and yep it was my water...duh it was pouring out of me. I got lucky and my fav doc was on the on call the one was scheduled to do my cection already so i was happy!
So everyone arrived, DH finally got there at 6:30am and we went back for the section at 7:10!
Everything went fast, smooth and really pleasant, Lucas Walker Dalrymple was born at 8:00am exactly! 7lbs 12 oz, 19.5 inches long and perfect! I really don't think things could have gone any better at all!
Thanks Andrea S. for sharing our news! Sorry the pics were so late!! Thanks for all the well wishes from all of you that posted!! Once family leaves I hope to be back at least a little to "normal" Oh and it amazes me how much after 4 kids you can still fall in LOVE with a new baby but I am sooooo in LOVE! Thanks for taking the time to look and let me share my baby with you!