Twin Stuff
We will be registering soon for our twin girls and was wondering if there was anything you M.O.M.'s couldn't live without. We got a bunch of stuff from friends (I'm bummed it's all BLUE but thankful) like a swing, a bouncy seat, pack/play, and a playmat. I also grabbed 2 boppy pillows at a garage sale and have Kellen's infant carseat and crib. We have a 2 story house where all the rooms are upstairs and the living/rec/kitchen/dining rooms are all downstairs. Should we have 2 swings/bouncy seats? With Kellen I kept a bouncy in our room and a swing downstairs.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
My mom had twins 16 years ago and I don't think she could have lived with out 2 swings. We also had a two story house and because of the meds she had to take to keep the girls in she was not allowed to nurse. For her to have 2 bottle warmers up stairs was a blessing. She also keep her night stand stocked with bottles full of water and a can of powered formula.
We had 2 swings and they both loved them! We also had 2 bobby pillows, 2 bouncers, and 1 exersaucer for when they got a little older. We also have 2 pack n play's, we bought 1 and were given 1. It works out good if you go somewhere with them overnight, and when they are too big to sleep together. A lot of stuff we got after we had them, we had the basic stuff, then figured out what we needed after they were here.
Oh yes, you should have two bouncy seats and two swings. We have a twin pack n play which is great because it's bigger so they both can play in it.
I could not live without the double snap n go. We didn't use their Bumbleride when they were first born. We kept them in their car seats and plopped them into the snap n go which was a lifesaver when making quick runs to the store.
I could not live without the double snap n go. We didn't use their Bumbleride when they were first born. We kept them in their car seats and plopped them into the snap n go which was a lifesaver when making quick runs to the store.