Is this a pattern?
I was realizing the other day that it seems although I never Ovulate in the same amount of time each month I have noticed a pattern. My first round of Clomid, I O'd CD25. Second round I O'd CD15, (no O 3rd round) and Fourth round I O'd CD35. Isn't that crazy? So what I am wondering is.... you think that if I O this round that it will be anywhere from the 15,25,35,45, etc? I mean that is TOO crazy to have O'd 3 x's with different amounts of time between each. So could this be my pattern or is this just luck? TIA Ladies! Julia
Nope -- no pattern. Just your body doing crazy things. If I were you, I would have your OB put you on femara. It should have you O'ing before CD 20 each time. Clomid isn't the end all be all for most people. Many women with PCOS have much better luck with femara/letrazole. Try just might get you pregnant.
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!
- 3/07
- 12/07
- 3/08
- 5/09
- 11/10
- 2/11
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!

I know you recommended this before. And I guess I just totally forgot about it. I went to an RE last week for a consult and he wants me to O at least 2-3 more times before doing an HSG for me, and SA for Hubby. So told me to do the clomid thang. I should have asked him if he would put me on Femara. AUUGHHH so I paid $48.00 for a 3 month supply @ 100mgs. Wish I would have thought about asking him for that. Oh well.......