Nathan is 9 months! (Long w/heavy pics)
Nathan turned 9 months on 11th...I wanted to wait until after his pediatrician's appointment to document everything...I did not post 8 month information so I will combine it here too....
So, here are the stats:
Weight: 20 poun:ds, 10 ounces (up 8 ounces from last month and 1 pound, two ounces since I last reported): 51st percentile
Height: 28 inches (he was the same since 7 months): 40th percentile
Head: 97th percentile
Sizes: 9 months, 12 months...and some 6 months still is all different...
Overall Health:
- Last month, we did return to the doctors office as he had a very high temperature for two days...he did not have an ear infection, was not vomitting, etc. so I had to stay with him and watch him until it went down. He did up his pulmicort prescription though.
- This month, despite all of his traveling (see below), he still had a little bit of wheezing but really not too bad. This week however, he did get a cold and started wheezing...just in time to go to the pediatrician. Dr. Richards has referred us to go see a pulmonologist. We are set to go early September. Other than that, Dr. Richards said he is right on track with everything else. They did a ***** in his finger to check his hemoglobin and it was 12.2.
- STILL No teeth yet...we would think it would be anyday since the drooling is still there and everything goes in his mouth....the doctor said it is normal to not have teeth until 15 months. WOW!
- Overall, his demeanor is still amazing....he is a HUGE flirt and does kisses is the most cute when he is eating :) or getting his diaper changed. He has the CUTEST laugh....
Eating Habits:
- He is still eating about 6 ounce bottles (4 per day)
- He is eating stage 2 fruits and vegetable three times a day. He also eats oatmeal and cereal. The doctor said we can start slowly doing soft food from our plate. Fun, fun, fun. My dad tried coffee with him, I gave him some of my Starbucks and one of my BFs Donna gave him cake and ice cream when we were in Austin in July. Other than that, he has not tried anything else.
Some highlights:
- He started crawling but it is fast...along with his rolly polly self he is getting around quite well....babyproofing is underway!!!
- He officially HATES things on his feet and daycare has deemed him as "The Sock Bandit" as he will take off everyone's footwear with a special focus on socks. While on vacation in MT, he took his cousin's socks off and attempted to take my mom's socks, thus the 9 month picture below...showing the it starts to get colder I hope he outgrows this cute habit.
- We celebrated our first 4th of July together...just mommy and Nathan....we cannot wait until daddy will be with us next week to go see fireworks.
- In mid July, I had to head to Houston for work and Nathan got to travel with me. Auntie Donna, Teri, April and Linnzi took good care of him while I worked. We had a great time....April's daughter Juliana had her 6th birthday so Nathan got to go and celebrate with Jules. We got to see lots of other friends (Sylvia, Tana, Gina, etc.). It was great to see my buddies too...glad that worked out with work.
- After we got home from that trip, Nathan and I headed out 4 days later for our 10 day vacation in Montana. We did tons and saw tons of people. We honored my mom for her nursing retirment party, spent the week with my dad and step mom and Nathan LOVED having papa hold him every morning. One morning papa even fed him his breakfast (see below). Nathan also got to attend his first pow wow and had his first pair of moccasins on. He also got to spend some good time with his cousins Neiko, Elia, Nick and Winter. Of course he loved spending time with his uncles and aunts too. After that trip he has officially been to 7 states in 9 months and over 10K flight miles..he is the true traveler.
- He is definitely in the big bathtub now and doing fairly well. It gets better everyday.
- Although he does not officially talk, he is doing TONS of babbling and clearly does say "dada"...Nate claims he heard him say "hi dada" the other day. And he does know how to shake his head no. GREAT!
- He does play peek a boo and his favorite toy now is a ball...we sit on the floor and roll it to each other....he laughs so much and actually has a great arm....
This month we are looking forward to having grandma Sue here for 2 weeks, Aunt Nadine and my friend Dawn here for about 5 days. Also, we are praying we get the official word on when Nate will be home. I know I keep saying we are on the homestretch but we really are. When you are dealing with the government, 2 months is like 2 hours in our time.
Here are some pics from the last few months...sorry there are so many...hope you enjoy!
PS We did get his official 9 month pics taken and they were great but I do not have them electronically...when we get them back I will scan some in and share....
Aethyn just got his first 2 teeth this last week! Yeah! It has been a long painful journey for him, but they are finally coming! Nathan's will come soon I am sure!
Sooooo....the socks were a bad idea....LOL!! I liked the dinosaurs on them though....

Thanks for sharing!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Re the sock fight...if he won't keep them on when it's cooler there...put a pair of your husband's tube socks on him...they'll come all the way up his thighs. At least then he'll have to work a little harder getting them off...and it'll keep his legs warm too. I did that w/my son when we were living in NY in an apartment where the lovely land lord would turn the heat off when it was -20 degrees.
Thanks for sharing!
January 2008,
July 2008
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September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled