Worried about not having time for new baby
Hannah will be almost 2 when the new baby is born. I work full time. Right now I feel like I barely see Hannah during the week. I'm feeling so bad for the new baby. He/She is never going to get the alone time that I had with Hannah. I'm not worried about not loving the baby (I already do), I'm just worried about finding time for all those sweet little cuddles and special moments. I'm happy to be having another child, I'm just scared on how I'm going to be able to do everything. I get so far behind on cleaning now. I don't know that we can afford it, but I'm seriously thinking about hiring a maid to come once a week.
So Momma's of two or more......tell me how you do it?
P.S. I have an OB appointment and ultrasound today!
So Momma's of two or more......tell me how you do it?
P.S. I have an OB appointment and ultrasound today!
It is definitely different with 2 kids instead of 1. I am a sahm, so I don't know the problems that working full time brings. But I find myself worrying more about our older son not getting enough attention. I think you just take it day by day and you will get a routine going and find what works for you. I have a friend that has 3 kids, works full time and does tons of other rodeo and horse stuff. I don't know how she does it, but she just goes along with life and it all works out.
You will be fine! Good luck at your appt, have fun!
Edit since I can't spell!!
You will be fine! Good luck at your appt, have fun!
Edit since I can't spell!!
I have 3 and one on the way, I am a SAHM, but I worked when my oldest was little and I still get behind on house work. You will find time, after I had my second child, I didn't want to leave the hospital, I was so afraid how I was going to handle it all. My children all all 2 to 2.5 years apart. This one there is a bigger gap. You adjust and they do too. I recently started using the fly lady system for getting things cleaned organized and decluttered. I believe it is flylady.net. I also know a lot of working mom's that use it. My best advice is to just breath and do not forget to take a moment for yourself, even if it is just a quick shower with the door closed.
I remember having those exact same fears/anxieties. Somehow it has all worked out. When I had Sadie I had 2 kids as well but they were older and able to help out but back when I had my older 2 kids they were about the same age distance as yours will be. My oldest also had special needs so we were running to therapy appts 3 times a week plus dr appts off and on. I soon learned to deal with not be able to do everything myself...accepting help. I also learned that if I wanted to enjoy the kids I needed to let the housework go sometimes...not cook everything homemade etc... We are very very busy even now...with Sadie and my soon to be 17 yr old at home....he works and doesn't drive so mommy helps out there quite a bit...Sadie is in dance class....we have church 3 times per week and are very involved...i'm on the leadership team, hubby does bocce ball and pool leauges.....we go to ECFE classes 1 night per week in the school yr with Sadie....and now we are taking the initiative to start up a young families support group within our church 2 Saturdays a month. Am I nuts...yep you can say that! But somehow it all works out. I do have quite a bit of help from my hubby with laundry etc... Sometimes I spend Sun afternoon making some meals that I can just heat up during the week. Oh yes and right now I'm working full time plus 10 hrs of mandatory OT a week. I force myself to take some "me" time as well by going to bed shortly after Sadie does at 9 and just reading etc... It'll be a big adjustment but you'll find your routine and it'll all work out. You can cuddle that new bundle at the same time you are reading to Hannah and or playing other things with her. Just don't forget to stop and enjoy those babies....they are only that little once!!
Amy, I had the same worries as you do. My son was older when the baby was born though, but not by much compared to your daughter. My son was 4 when Kayleigh was born. He was really jealous at first and wanted all the attention but that has subsided and he's now the overprotective big brother and wants "Kaybug" to go with us wherever we go. He's very loving towards her, but has his moments and wants her to go away.
I'm a single mother of 2, work full-time, and do everything else by myself. Soccer... daycare... school... baseball... soon to be dance or gymnastics, etc. Everyone questions how the heck I do it all, but its one of those things you don't have a choice to do. You have to do it... you have to keep on truckin'. It's so hard to give attention to 2 kiddos at one time. I am still struggling with that... When my son is taking a bath, then I'll play with "Kaybug" on the floor, because my son loves to play in the bath and he'll literally stay in there for an hour. And then when my daughter goes down at night, thats mine and my son's time to play. Most of the time, we just lay on the couch together and watch tv or play games.
I've learned that you have to use every minute of every day to enjoy with your kids. It's so hard at times and other times I just want to crawl in the bed and sleep, but that is never an option. I've just learned to use my time wisely.
I feel like I'm rambling... but hope it helps!
I'm a single mother of 2, work full-time, and do everything else by myself. Soccer... daycare... school... baseball... soon to be dance or gymnastics, etc. Everyone questions how the heck I do it all, but its one of those things you don't have a choice to do. You have to do it... you have to keep on truckin'. It's so hard to give attention to 2 kiddos at one time. I am still struggling with that... When my son is taking a bath, then I'll play with "Kaybug" on the floor, because my son loves to play in the bath and he'll literally stay in there for an hour. And then when my daughter goes down at night, thats mine and my son's time to play. Most of the time, we just lay on the couch together and watch tv or play games.
I've learned that you have to use every minute of every day to enjoy with your kids. It's so hard at times and other times I just want to crawl in the bed and sleep, but that is never an option. I've just learned to use my time wisely.
I feel like I'm rambling... but hope it helps!
I had this same freak out at about 14 weeks...lol Emma will be 21 months. I work only part time, but nights and really already miss the time I am away from Emma during the bedtime/bathtime....can't imagine being away from baby too. I am going to work on a better schedule when I go back, but it is a catch 22. Working evenings the kids are either with me or hubby. Working days I would have to find/pay daycare, and I don't want that either.
My biggest fear is the dang csection issues I had last time for months. I could barely handle one, pumping and healing myself, with tons of help from family. Can't imagine 2 with the same issues....and really worry about Emma getting lost in the shuffle if I am healing and tending Micah.
I think like the others said...you find a way to work it out, one day at a time. I know you have family close by that can help with Hannah and give you some bonding time with baby. Plus you will have all those fun night feeds!! And Hannah... spend time with her when hubby is having his bonding time with baby.
And even now, having to be on some bed rest I have learned to lean on hubby more. He is learning quickly that a lot of the stuff I took care of before will have to be us chores now. He is adjusting well, thank god, and is being a good sport about it. Like others said... some things just have to get set on the back burner.
I think we can handle it Amy! I just keep telling myself other people do it all the time! And 'before' all else fails...rely on prayer! Shari
My biggest fear is the dang csection issues I had last time for months. I could barely handle one, pumping and healing myself, with tons of help from family. Can't imagine 2 with the same issues....and really worry about Emma getting lost in the shuffle if I am healing and tending Micah.
I think like the others said...you find a way to work it out, one day at a time. I know you have family close by that can help with Hannah and give you some bonding time with baby. Plus you will have all those fun night feeds!! And Hannah... spend time with her when hubby is having his bonding time with baby.
And even now, having to be on some bed rest I have learned to lean on hubby more. He is learning quickly that a lot of the stuff I took care of before will have to be us chores now. He is adjusting well, thank god, and is being a good sport about it. Like others said... some things just have to get set on the back burner.
I think we can handle it Amy! I just keep telling myself other people do it all the time! And 'before' all else fails...rely on prayer! Shari
I'm a SAHM of 2 and 1 on the way. I'm finding myself having "freak outs" about how will my nerves handle 3 kids? I know I can juggle the one on one time with each kid, that's not a worry for me. I stress over the smallest things! I will have to learn to chill out with 3 kids, or I will prolly go insane!
I spend one on one time with Savannah (6) while Skyler (10 months) is napping. Also, Savannah has cheer 3 days a week for 2 hrs. Just her and I got. DH stays home with Skyler. That gives Savannah and I more time, just the two of us. It's been harder on her because she was 5 1/2 years old when Skyler was born.
With Hannah being almost 2 when the new baby gets here you can really have her get involved with the new baby. She will prolly really like that. Help you get a diaper, bottle, things of that nature.
At first, it will hard because a newborn is so time demanding. If you're going to bottle feed, you're DH could be a big help and ya'll could trade off with each kid. Giving each child one on one time with you and him.
Motherhood is hard work, not matter how many kids you have and rather you work or stay at home. You will just have to find what works for you and you're family.
Good luck with the ultrasound!!!!!
Ash :)
I spend one on one time with Savannah (6) while Skyler (10 months) is napping. Also, Savannah has cheer 3 days a week for 2 hrs. Just her and I got. DH stays home with Skyler. That gives Savannah and I more time, just the two of us. It's been harder on her because she was 5 1/2 years old when Skyler was born.
With Hannah being almost 2 when the new baby gets here you can really have her get involved with the new baby. She will prolly really like that. Help you get a diaper, bottle, things of that nature.
At first, it will hard because a newborn is so time demanding. If you're going to bottle feed, you're DH could be a big help and ya'll could trade off with each kid. Giving each child one on one time with you and him.
Motherhood is hard work, not matter how many kids you have and rather you work or stay at home. You will just have to find what works for you and you're family.
Good luck with the ultrasound!!!!!
Ash :)
Amy I'm right there with you! I'm working 40-50 hours a week right now... and I only get to see Zach like 2-3 hours a day during the week (if that) it kills me! How am I going do it with two!!!
My house is always a disaster... my husband is like my first child it's terrible. I don't think i'll ever have a clean house in my life!!
Zachary is sooooooooo active right now, he is just in to everything and anything it's very exhausting. I feel like crying a lot when I start to think about two fo them! My Dad used to call my nieces "the little terrorists" HA HA!! they were about 2 and 3 at the time... Now I completely understand what he was talking about!
We'll get through it Amy... if my MIL can have 3 kids I think anyone can..... lmao.......
My house is always a disaster... my husband is like my first child it's terrible. I don't think i'll ever have a clean house in my life!!
Zachary is sooooooooo active right now, he is just in to everything and anything it's very exhausting. I feel like crying a lot when I start to think about two fo them! My Dad used to call my nieces "the little terrorists" HA HA!! they were about 2 and 3 at the time... Now I completely understand what he was talking about!
We'll get through it Amy... if my MIL can have 3 kids I think anyone can..... lmao.......