Baby's 1st Hair Cut
I cut Aethyn's hair when he was 4 1/2 months....He had a bunch of long ones on the sides that didn't look right...I have to cut it about once a month grows so fast!! I cut his hair myself because I used to be a hair dresser...I must say it is quite difficult to do all by myself! (I did it when DH was at work!) He kept wanting to look at the scissors! LOL!! If you take him somewhere, they will most likely have you hold him while they cut! Maybe bring DH or a friend to distract him! I am sure Josiah will do great! (We always gave out a certificate for first bring your camera!)
Becca -9/2007-10/2012 (Forever in our !)
Emad first haircut was at about 7 mths old, the lady tha****ches him actually did it. The next was at about 8.5 mths in Morocco, shaved...pretty simple. Now he needs one very few weeks. He did go to Great Clips a few times but now his Daddy does it and Emad is a lot better with him and the clippers versus the stylist he does not know.
15 months for Andrew. I didn't really want to do it because I *love* his curls. He, on the other hand FrEaKeD OuT!!! He was screaming. That was 4 months ago. He needs one now - I took him last night and SAME THING. He was freaking the max. The stylist told me she couldn't do it, so we left with only a couple snips completed. I got him home and did it myself in the bath seat, LOL. The freak factor was much lower, although he still hated it.
Good luck!