Shyianne's birth story!!!
Now on to the birth story. The good, the bad, the ugly & totally embarassing stuff that shames you so bad, you decide to tell your friends @ OH message board LOL.
Ok, so we went for scheduled induction. Got IV & then enema...oh how fun. The dr came in around 7:30 to break water. I was still at 2 c m but he said my cervix was higher up than he remembered. He tried to break my water but only was able to snag it. It leaked a little at first. He said if it didn't break completely in a while, he'd come back & try again. It wasn't 5 minutes later & it gushed & gushed & gushed. I thought it would never stop! They started the pitocin after DR. left. I'm not sure how long it was before the baby started having dips in her heart rate. They came in to check me & said they'd turn me on my side & give oxygen if needed to try to get her heartrate from dipping. Well, when the nurse checked me she said "well, looks like you maybe having a c section today!: Totally shocked me. She said when she checked me she felt the baby's arm & then hand. Shyianne actually grabbed ahold of her finger!!! The nurse checked with the ultrasound & sure enough there was an arm there. Another nurse came to check & felt her arm & hand. Made a joke that all gurls come out with there hands held out for $$$. They did u.s. again & looked liek the arm had moved back down. They had stopped pitocen as soon as they realized she was in an odd position. The dr came & checked & said she was fine & in position so they turned on the pitocin again. I think it was around 1 or 1:30 when I decided to send my visitors our because I was starting to feel bad. My stomach felt in a way like it may become upset which I didn't really understan since I'd had the enema & thought everything was clear (lol). But I remembered feeling yucky thru some of the other labors & nothing ever happened. The more time that passed, I felt worse. Oh, forgot about the epidural. I wanted it before things go so so painful. It was getting pretty intense by almost 5cm. I was scared to death cuz last epi was hard to get in. Well, this one was too. The anest. said my vertibraes were so close together & that was the problem. I ended up having to be stuck in 2 diff places & even then one side didn't take so well. They turned me so maybe the right side would get numb. It helped some but not 100%. Now the downright embarassing. When I started getting the BAD contractions that are pushing the baby down, I had the sensation that I may have pooped. I did a little. That happened 4 or so times before I hit 10cm. Then the absolute worse. It started coming out & I couldn't do anything about it but lay there in poop! I almost cried. They said it wasn't anything they had not seen before. Sometimes it happens. But they were thinking I possibly had a stomach bug starting. They cleaned me up & dr. came in & we had been pushing 2 pushes or so when they told me they could see her head. I think I pushed 4 or 5 more times at the most & she was born. The pushing part wasn't as bad as the last 2 hrs of labor. I was so happy to see her. DR said her dips were probably because her cord was around her neck 2 times, but her cord was really long so thank goodness it didn't cuz a major problem. She was born at 3:59 PM weighing 6 # 15 oz 20 1/2 in long. DH cut her cord & she pee'd everywhere lol. Guess she couldn't have mommmy being the one using potty on everyone lol. Breastfeeding started off tough cuz her mouth is so little she wasn't latching on right & still hurts when she first latches but I think we are doing good. We've supplemented some but not as much since her jaundice level finally got to normal. Anyway, thats it...or what I remember. I will try to post pics later. I tried yesterday to get some on photobucket & my internet screwed up...hate dial upA! Thanks ya'll!
Anyway I am so glad that she was born with with problems being avoided! Sounds like yall are doing well and I can't wait to see pictures!!
Glad you shared with us!
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