Waiting for Saturday...
Hi all - I'm patientely (NOT) waiting for Saturday to test or see if AF shows up. I'm trying to focus on other stuff and not think about it much or I know I'll drive myself nuts. I've been off and on nauseous for the last week, but that's the only odd symptom I'm having. My weight is driving me nuts, got back down to 255 on Saturday and I'm back up to 260 this morning. So I'm assuming AF is on her way.
I've got an appointment with my OB on Monday to discuss IUI and have her take a look at my charts. I've already set up an appointment with an RE on 8/28. We haven't been trying long (only since April), but we have to do ICI and my OB isn't confident that it will work so I think we'll be jumping to IUI pretty quickly. Luckily my insurance covers it and I've nearly met my out of pocket max for the year, so I'm hoping to take advantage of that.
I'm going to do some searching on the forum here for info on REs and IUI since I'm pretty clueless about what to expect.
Good luck getting your BFP and talking with your OB and RE. My OB sent me right over to my RE immediately due to my age she didn't want to waste any time.
My OB seems to feel the same way about my age and told us to only try for a few months on our own. Hopefully this month was it, if not we'll just move on.
You can PM me anytime, whether it is about IUI or not. I understand the frustration with TTC. We have been actively trying for a little over a year (charting, temping, etc). We had three IUI's and I got pregnant. Miscarried at 8 1/2 weeks and now on day two of my medication regimen for IUI number four :)
Hopefully we both get our BFP's ASAP!