Has Shauna had Drew?
Thanks for checking Vanessa. No Drew yet. I'm beyong miserable - lol. I have an NST and a BPP tomorrow so we'll see what goes on from there.
I think Drew was mad that Savannah was originally supposed to be born on the same day and that the doctor changed it, so now he is waiting until her due date to join us. So they can be birthday buddies!
I think Drew was mad that Savannah was originally supposed to be born on the same day and that the doctor changed it, so now he is waiting until her due date to join us. So they can be birthday buddies!
Awwww, so sweet! You and I are in a race now...I have no signs of labor at all!!! Whats your facebook link? I have been using that more than myspace. DH was suppose to be home tomorrow but got delayed until Sunday at 5pm, I don't want to wait that long but I want him here. My induction is scheduled for the 18th I truly hope I deliver WAY before then!!