ectopic questions - little long
Now my questions
1. I am still having that pain, but it's not constant anymore. When I pee(I know TMI) it gets really bad. The first time I go in the morning I almost scream from it. Has anyone else had this? Should I call the office yet again?
2. How long before you have to worry about the side effects of the shots? One side effect is sun sensivity, forgot about it. Severly burnt over the weekend. I burn easy to begin with but this is bad.
3. Am I correct that the baby "mass" gets absorbed back into your system? I haven't passed any tissue like I did with the mis-carriage.
M/C 7/08 Ectopic 7/09
I am so VERY sorry for your loss,missy! I did go through a eptopic pregnacy back in 96 but i had surgery to remove the baby,so I do not have experience with the shot. I wish I had more answers for you !!! Please do know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
BIG Hugs
Wife to Randy and mommy to Rob (15), Kirsten (11) and 5 angels
I'm sorry you're still going through problems with the ectopic pregnancy. It's bad enough to have the ectopic pregnancy w/o the complications dragging forever.
I'd ask your dr about the peeing problem. I don't know if it's possible you have a kidney/urinary tract infection to boot? It's worth checking out though.
I don't have any experience re anything you're going through right now (re the ectopic)...but I hope it's over soon so you can begin healing mentally and physically.
January 2008,
July 2008
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Mom to Khaled
on 4/19/16 11:04 am
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself in a place other than inside the uterus. Almost all ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube, and are thus sometimes called tubal pregnancies. For more info about ectopic pregnancy please visit