Breast feeding...HELP please!!!!

on 8/2/09 9:16 am - MA
So i had my baby alittle over 2 weeks ago...and i was having NO issues producing milk...infact i had to pump and toss alot of milk while i was in the hospital because i was becoming so engorged.....WELLLLLLL all of a sudden....i can BARELY get the 5oz my baby wants to eat i was told to pump every 2 hrs....{baby is sleeping 4 hrs everytime...i know im blessed! haha} sooo ive done that the last 2 days but my breast are like ALLLL skin and completely empty!! im getting JUST enough basically for his feeding...with NO extras....ANY TIPS on producing alittle more milk?!?!?! does this have anything to do with our surgery do u think??? :( im becoming very anxiety striken over this....dont want him to go on formula just yet.....HELP.....


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie


on 8/2/09 11:51 am - Winder, GA
This is just me not a pro at breastfeeding but I  had much better luck with milk production when nursing and not pumping I SUCKED at pumping soooo if it were me I would wake him every  two hours and nurse him to keep your supply going since it so early, not sure if it will work but that is what I would do.
Best of luck!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
on 8/3/09 4:41 am - MA
well im a pro at pumping...and it hurts A HELL OF ALOT LESS lol i cant see waking a baby who miraculously sleeps 4 hrs at a time...i hear that is like a godsend!! haha :) but thank u for the responce :)


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie


Christie N.
on 8/2/09 1:23 pm - Riverton, UT
Well your milk supply is not established yet- you just had your baby 2 weeks ago, you won't be able to work on getting more than what your baby eats at each nursing session for a little while.   Once your nursing schedule is established and your milk supply is regulated (usually after 1-2 months) then you can maybe start getting a little extra after feedings to freeze.   Just focus on learning to b/f, giving your baby the milk he needs at each feeding and resting to get over the dramatic experience you just had.  

I would suggest not pumping either, that was so pointless to me when nursing my daughter- plus the pump HURTS!!   I could barely get anything out either with the pump and eventually quit trying to get more out after my daughter nursed.   She ended up going every 4-5 hrs at like 8 months out and I would just feed her, leave her with grandma and then go do what I needed to and then come back and feed her (if I was actually gone that

Hit goal weight of 140 at 13 months out from RNY!! 130 pounds GONE! 


on 8/3/09 4:44 am - MA
Thank you for the info!! i just figured since i was SO engorged during the hospital stay that it wus sumthing I was doing that all of a sudden dried me up! Dr's told me to do a bottle b/c Austin {my baby} just wanted to suck on the breast and wasnt really it was more of a play for him then actually eating. He has done VERY well with the bottle....and surprisingly pumping hurts ALOT LESS then actually breast feeding! :) {he has a VERY STRONG suck! haha} thank u again!!


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie


on 8/2/09 2:19 pm - Thornton, CO
I don't really have any helpful info to offer, but I've been there. Long before RNY surgery, when DD was 6 weeks old, I went on the pill, and my wonderful milk supply dried up pretty much overnight. I stopped the pill, rented a hospital grade Medela and spent several days pumping for literally every waking moment that I wasn't nursing, and DH supplemented DD's little bit of breast milk with formula while I pumped for hours without producing more than an ounce at a time... You can get support from La Leche League (, too.

Good luck! I know it is frustrating.
on 8/2/09 6:42 pm - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
Make sure you are drinking A LOT!   When you think your eye balls are going to float out of your head, drink more!
Try to relax as much as you can.  Being stressed out can affect your let down.  When I pumped I couldn't look to see how much milk I was getting.  If I wasn't getting much I would stress and then wouldn't get any more milk.
 He may hit a growth spurt at 3 weeks and want to nurse constantly.   Hannah did this and I think that was my roughest time during nursing.
Hang in there it will get easier!
on 8/3/09 5:54 am - MA
I'm actually drinking so much that im not EATING as i should be :) lol so drinking isnt the issue.  Im stressed out b/c i feel as though i should have no issues producing milk and i am so yes there is a little stress level there haha. By me pumping i atleast can SEE how much he is taking in which is alittle less stressful. Hopefully alittle more relaxation will help....TY :)


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie


on 8/3/09 1:38 am
I second what someone else said, DRINK A LOT OF WATER.  I also used fenugreek suppliement. It's an herb that can be found pretty cheap in pill form and made me double my supply within a couple days. The downfall of it is that you smell like maple syrup! haha.
on 8/3/09 6:00 am - MA that safe to take with the gastric bypass?? im going to look into that?? thatd be great i could deal with the smell of maple syrup.....haha ty for the comment!!


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie


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