Feeling Overwhelmed
Somehow, I am feeling very overwhelmed at this point in my pregnancy. As of Monday, I'll be 26 weeks and our baby is scheduled to arrive (via C-section) on October 30th...which is 12 weeks and 6 days from today...not that I've counted.
There seem to be a few reasons for this sudden sense overwhelm-ness, if there is such a word.
1.) This pregnancy has gone fairly smoothly, but now I am beginning to slow down. Until last week, I was helping with select yardwork and mowing the lawn. I am no longer able to do any of that. My husband has to carry the laundry basket up and down the stairs because I simply can't safely navigate while carrying anything it seems. My ankles feel a bit sore since I've nearly sprained them several times in the last two weeks or so. (That's Relaxin!) BTW, my husband seriously thinks I made up the word "relaxin." Because of my contractions at 23 weeks, I'm on pelvic rest. (AKA: No sex and no lifting over 10 pounds.) I am able-bodied, but just really trying not to overdo things because the ramifications would affect more than just me.
2.) My husband, who is a very dedicated employee, has been working crazy-long hours. Part of it is because of a upcoming deadline, part of it is due to the dynamics at his company, and part of it is just his personality/drive. He's a senior software engineer and a manager at a great company that rewards it's employees for their hard work. It's all good....but I am missing him...BIG TIME. He left for work at 7 am yesterday and drove into our driveway at 9:30 pm. After dinner, I was asleep by 10:45...so I didn't even get to spend 2 hours with the man over the entire day. Today (Saturday) he worked from home from the time he work up until early afternoon and has been outside doing yardwork (in 90 degree heat) ever since. The man is so busy that A.) I feel badly for him and B.) I never get to see him and it is making me very sad. I know this crazy schedule is temporary and that he has committed to time off when our baby arrives, but I am just feeling so isolated from the person I want to be with the most. I suppose I'm just being overly-clingy due to hormones? I mean, he normally is at the office/away from the house 12+ hours a day, so this is nothing new, y'know?
3.) We've done NOTHING to prepare for the babies arrival. (See #1 & #2.) We have to strip the wallpaper, patch any damage to the walls, prime, paint, etc. in the nursery. Normally this is stuff my husband and I do ourselves, but with my physical limitations and his crazy schedule, it just doesn't seem possible. My husband says he can do it in September. Yes, we ordered the baby's furniture, we have registered, and have gotten life insurance coverage, but we have yet to actually physically prepare our home. This is making me feel very anxious.
Is this feeling of being overwhlemed "typical" for a preggie at this point?
There seem to be a few reasons for this sudden sense overwhelm-ness, if there is such a word.
1.) This pregnancy has gone fairly smoothly, but now I am beginning to slow down. Until last week, I was helping with select yardwork and mowing the lawn. I am no longer able to do any of that. My husband has to carry the laundry basket up and down the stairs because I simply can't safely navigate while carrying anything it seems. My ankles feel a bit sore since I've nearly sprained them several times in the last two weeks or so. (That's Relaxin!) BTW, my husband seriously thinks I made up the word "relaxin." Because of my contractions at 23 weeks, I'm on pelvic rest. (AKA: No sex and no lifting over 10 pounds.) I am able-bodied, but just really trying not to overdo things because the ramifications would affect more than just me.
2.) My husband, who is a very dedicated employee, has been working crazy-long hours. Part of it is because of a upcoming deadline, part of it is due to the dynamics at his company, and part of it is just his personality/drive. He's a senior software engineer and a manager at a great company that rewards it's employees for their hard work. It's all good....but I am missing him...BIG TIME. He left for work at 7 am yesterday and drove into our driveway at 9:30 pm. After dinner, I was asleep by 10:45...so I didn't even get to spend 2 hours with the man over the entire day. Today (Saturday) he worked from home from the time he work up until early afternoon and has been outside doing yardwork (in 90 degree heat) ever since. The man is so busy that A.) I feel badly for him and B.) I never get to see him and it is making me very sad. I know this crazy schedule is temporary and that he has committed to time off when our baby arrives, but I am just feeling so isolated from the person I want to be with the most. I suppose I'm just being overly-clingy due to hormones? I mean, he normally is at the office/away from the house 12+ hours a day, so this is nothing new, y'know?
3.) We've done NOTHING to prepare for the babies arrival. (See #1 & #2.) We have to strip the wallpaper, patch any damage to the walls, prime, paint, etc. in the nursery. Normally this is stuff my husband and I do ourselves, but with my physical limitations and his crazy schedule, it just doesn't seem possible. My husband says he can do it in September. Yes, we ordered the baby's furniture, we have registered, and have gotten life insurance coverage, but we have yet to actually physically prepare our home. This is making me feel very anxious.
Is this feeling of being overwhlemed "typical" for a preggie at this point?
I felt like that too when I realized Isabella was a reality, and would be coming whether I was ready or not!! LOL!
Baby steps my friend..... to be honest with you Isabella's room still is a work in progress. Bailey's was done by 34 weeks - but with #2 I realized that she wouldn't be in there until she was like 6 months old anyway - so I did'nt stress myself out on getting everything done.
Just remember that all he really needs is your love.....and you have plenty of that for him I am sure!
Don't you just LOVE nesting?? Hang in there!
I felt like that too when I realized Isabella was a reality, and would be coming whether I was ready or not!! LOL!
Baby steps my friend..... to be honest with you Isabella's room still is a work in progress. Bailey's was done by 34 weeks - but with #2 I realized that she wouldn't be in there until she was like 6 months old anyway - so I did'nt stress myself out on getting everything done.
Just remember that all he really needs is your love.....and you have plenty of that for him I am sure!
Don't you just LOVE nesting?? Hang in there!
Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10