got a BFP today!!!
Ok, so I've been having pregnancy symptoms for a week now (really sore boobs, a little gaggy, heightened smell of things, really tired, etc) and took a test Friday morning, last night, and this morning and it's POSITIVE!!!! There's barely a 2nd line there but it's THERE!! My period is due today so I knew it was time to test.
The weird thing is, it just took ONE time to get me pg! My first two pg's, I was 215 with my son and then 260 with my daughter and they both took forever to conceive. My son took 2 yrs and my daughter took 14 months and 2 round of clomid. This is so weird but so awesome at the same time that it happened so quick!! I am fertile thanks to the weight loss, and very fertile at that!!! I've lost 130 pounds and and am almost 14 months out.
We're going to wait to tell everyone for like 2 weeks, just to be safe. When ttc #2, I actually got pg after 9 months of trying but then lost it a week later. So we want to make sure and then we'll tell everyone.
Ahhhhh, I'm pregnant!!!! I'm so excited!!!!
The weird thing is, it just took ONE time to get me pg! My first two pg's, I was 215 with my son and then 260 with my daughter and they both took forever to conceive. My son took 2 yrs and my daughter took 14 months and 2 round of clomid. This is so weird but so awesome at the same time that it happened so quick!! I am fertile thanks to the weight loss, and very fertile at that!!! I've lost 130 pounds and and am almost 14 months out.
We're going to wait to tell everyone for like 2 weeks, just to be safe. When ttc #2, I actually got pg after 9 months of trying but then lost it a week later. So we want to make sure and then we'll tell everyone.
Ahhhhh, I'm pregnant!!!! I'm so excited!!!!