FRIDAY TTC POST (who is getting 2 lines this week?)
Still in a holding pattern...waiting for AF to show herself, probably next week, then will hold off until September/October to TTC again. DH is leaving for Egypt 8/20, for one depending on when AF shows up and ovulation occurs...then by the time he comes back in September, hopefully it'll be around ovulation time again. Once AF shows up this month, I'll know if I start my drug regimine again (estrogen/progesterone) to try for September or if we'll miss it w/him being gone and hold off til October. Hope that makes's 3 a.m., and I'm about to fall over but trying to get my water down for the day. I've been doing a $#%) load of over time the last week or so due to recent events here in Jakarta, and though the $$ 's nice...the hours are not.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Thanks. I was playing w/my new cell phone. I don't know what happened...I'm technologically challenged (my son put it on the computer for me via the blue tooth)...I had it changed yesterday after fussing w/it for a few today, all by itself, it went back to the old one....I'll have to fuss w/it again this weekend.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
TTC #2 in the near future. Not sure if we are going to use the assistance of an RE again or just try on our own. Off BCP fully and waiting on a normal cycle so I can start tracking days. Hoping the pills helped and my cycles and ovulation will not be so painful this time around. I am doing ok now but (TMI) had heavy bleeding issues for 10 days after coming off the pill. It was more than any normal cycle I ever had and have no idea if that is normal after coming off the bc*****t but glad that it finally stopped. No cramps or back pain just bleeding. Do I count the first day as CD one or is that something different?
Sending babydust to all!
Sending babydust to all!
Shari, you can take me off of the list. DH and I are going another route...
We've been given the opportunity to become foster parents to a child who may need an adoptive home in the near future. The child is young (not yet two) and is a cousin to my nephew (already), so the only real change for the child would be a new set of parents.
The adoption thing is only a possibility, but if it doesn't work out with this child, DH and I would try to foster-to-adopt...turns out, THAT'S where all the infants are!
We've been given the opportunity to become foster parents to a child who may need an adoptive home in the near future. The child is young (not yet two) and is a cousin to my nephew (already), so the only real change for the child would be a new set of parents.
The adoption thing is only a possibility, but if it doesn't work out with this child, DH and I would try to foster-to-adopt...turns out, THAT'S where all the infants are!