No Heartbeat
I'm tearing up as I type this but hanging in there. I had my 8w2d ultrasound yesterday and there was no heartbeat. The baby stopped growing 5-6 days ago. I was concerned because I had only had minor and infrequent pregnancy symptoms but yet I was developing a baby bump already. RE said he was very surprised and didn't expect this--everything looked perfect at 6 weeks, numbers were great, etc. I'm off the hormones and should miscarry in a few days to a week. If nothing in two weeks, I'm to call for help. The RE and my husband tell me it was nothing I did or didn't do--it was a genetic abnormality--and my head tells me that at my age that's true but it hasn't helped my heart. We have a few more embyros left and there's nothing the RE would change about the meds, etc., so we'll get though this, wait a cycle and try one last time. Not sure when the numbness wears off and reality hits that the baby inside me is no longer alive but boy when it does it won't be pretty.
My due date was March 8; please remove me from the list--thanks.
Wishing those of you trying to conceive lots of baby dust and BFPs and those who are pregnant continued good health. And moms, love up those wee ones!
My due date was March 8; please remove me from the list--thanks.
Wishing those of you trying to conceive lots of baby dust and BFPs and those who are pregnant continued good health. And moms, love up those wee ones!
Jennifer - I am so sorry to hear this! The numbness wore off for me in a few hours, then the tears came and didn't stop for about a week.
*hugs* hang in there and take care of yourself! I too was told that it was a genetic abnormality that caused the miscarriage (I was 11 weeks - baby never formed, sack stopped growing at 8weeks)
*hugs* hang in there and take care of yourself! I too was told that it was a genetic abnormality that caused the miscarriage (I was 11 weeks - baby never formed, sack stopped growing at 8weeks)
My husband and I are going through this now. It's one of the most horrible things I've been through.
I had a ultra sound at 7 weeks 2 days and a strong heartbeat and then at almost 10 weeks there was no heartbeat :( You and husband are in my thoughts and prayers. I questioned constantly if it was something I did or if my body isn't working. I still feel that way at times :( I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to.
My husband and I are going through this now. It's one of the most horrible things I've been through.
I had a ultra sound at 7 weeks 2 days and a strong heartbeat and then at almost 10 weeks there was no heartbeat :( You and husband are in my thoughts and prayers. I questioned constantly if it was something I did or if my body isn't working. I still feel that way at times :( I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to.