Feeding a One Year Old

rebeka C.
on 7/28/09 9:48 pm - SC
Hey ladies, long time, no see! (Well, if you're on FB, then you probably see...)

Got a question for ya: What are you or did you feed your one year old? That's right, Conner is one! He likes to feed himself, and I need ideas since the doc said he can get off the baby food now. He's tolerating milk well.

Heck, maybe feeding him good stuff will help me lose the rest of my dang weight!
on 7/28/09 10:02 pm - Kokomo, IN
Well, Logan and Andrew have been off of baby food since they were like 11 months old, so about 3 months.  I still give them the baby cereal mixed with milk and yogurt or fruit, they also eat waffles, cheese, yogurt, any vegetable cooked soft and small pieces, the bags that you can buy of mixed veggies and steam in your microwave are good.  They like grapes, cut in half, watermelon, peaches, apples, bananas.  They take after their mom and like mac n' cheese and almost any kind of italian food, ravioli, spaghetti, lasagna. 
Good luck feeding your little guy, we are kinda in a rut right now, trying new things, they will eat almost anything I give them! 

Lilypie - (emKy)

on 7/28/09 10:15 pm - San Antonio, TX
Lots of finger foods are easy for them to feed themselves with so you can maybe start with that.
Emad loves rice and pastas....spaghetti, mac-n-cheese, ravioli...anything with tomato sauce is usually a go. We occasionally do beef hot dogs or the vienna sausages cut up with a side dish too.  The classics like PB&J or grilled cheese also work and you can toast them or have them on plain bread just cut into squares.We also do nuggets, soups/stews, fish sticks, potatoes (mashed, baked (both regular and sweet potato), veggies like corn, peas, and carrots and fresh fruits like apples, cherries, grapes, bananas, and he loves watermelon too. Emad loves Moroccan food and especially bread so that is usually what he has with dinner....he eats with us mostly.
Since he is in daycare he usually gets simpler meals....he loves the Gerber Graduate meals and they have a good variety and they are fairly inexpensive. I supplement that with yogurts, cheeses, applesauce, pudding, yogurt drinks, fruit snacks, graham crackers, etc
I will try something once and if he likes it great and if not try again in a few weeks.

Lilypie - (8swr) Lilypie - (XAvt)

on 7/28/09 10:58 pm - Midstate Region, PA
My Ped told me to have her eat what we eat..yes, even after seeing us.   Anyways, we give her low fat hot dogs, pork, chicken (her favorite any way it's made), fish, fruits and veggies..that is a transition because she'll eat the baby version of them all but sometimes the textures creep her out (spits out peaches but eats them in a baby food jar).  She loved yogurt, we give her the low fat / low carb van. flavor.  Yes, she occassionally gets a few bites of real cookie or ice cream.  She loves gerber cheese puffs, their apple wagon wheels, carrot wheels.  She likes nutr. grain bars.  Last night she tried peanut butter for the first time (it was with chocolate) but she liked that too.  She loves to munch on things, I am thinking probably because of her teeth too she has 12!.  So healthy snacks on the go  can be hard but we use the above.  Ah- juice, she gets thristy too..so she usually gets any juice we have or find with at least 50% water added to it.  She doesn't mind a bit.  But she loves ice tea (thanks daddy!), tomotato juice, water...just doesn't like them freezing cold..we take them out of the frig before we offer them..or else she drinks and lets it run down her face...or tries to drink it but it almost takes her breath away.  Have fun exploring what he'll like.  Pretty much if she sees us eat it, she wants to try it..so that makes it easy. 

Proud Mom to Allen (20), Christa (14), Sophie (2), Stella (1).  and an angel 5/07

rebeka C.
on 7/28/09 11:05 pm - SC
Thnaks guys.  We're in an eating rut right now, or at least it feels that way, and I don't want Conner eating junk.  He likes fish (which surprises me to no end) and LOVES sweet potatoes & peaches.  

Ok, I'm off to go pass out.   Did a Jillian Michaels workout on TV , and it was only 20 minutes, but it kicked my @$$.
on 7/29/09 1:54 pm - WA
I watched in amazement as a friend of mine gave her baby cubed tofu and then cubed avacado!  The baby gobbled it up and it seemed so easy.

Love, Riah


on 7/30/09 3:21 am - Pasadena, CA
Laurel will eat just about anything except rice and pasta (lol).

She refused all baby food at 9 mos and our ped wanted her on table food then anyway.

Here's a sample...

1/2 banana or a small canteloupe wedge (cut up)
She is not a big breakfast eater but if she's still hungry I'll give her some turkey or 1/4 bagel

6 oz milk

Peas and/or carrots

Something carby...
1/4 bagel or 1/2 honey wheat english muffin
Cheese & crackers

Whatever we're eating unless it is spicy
Chicken w/ broccoli and noodles


Foodwise she really likes tofu, hummus, tomatoes (raw), salad... She has the personality that she wants to be like us so as long as we eat interesting food she tends to do the same.  I let her eat part of a fruit pop the other day... until it melted too much.

My biggest challenge is getting her off the bottles.  I did transition to whole milk this week with only 2 tantrums (from her - ha ha).  My husband is going away for work soon.  Not sure if that means it'll be easier to get her off or I'll cave because I don't have the support.
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
baby development
rebeka C.
on 7/30/09 6:35 am - SC
Thanks for the sample menu, that helps a lot. Conner just gets bored before he can get all of his food in. I have to keep the dogs away from him when he eats, otherwise he'd feed them first.

This kid *loves* milk, and cries when his bottle is empty! He'll play with a sippy cup, but if it doesn't freely pour, he won't even try to drink from it, and if it *does* freely pour, then half of it is poured into his lap. *sigh* Weaning him off the bottle is going to be a job. He has no other crutches, but that just gets him what he wants faster.
on 7/30/09 3:23 am - Pasadena, CA
PS.  there are days when she does eat some junk like chicken nuggets for lunch...  Drool... chicken...  I am doing the 5dpt today and I want chicken!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
baby development
rebeka C.
on 7/30/09 6:31 am - SC
*gag* Sorry, I'm having a grouch pouch day & am fighting to keep my lunch down. Basically, I'm too lazy to go be sick right now.
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