moms of twins and beyond...
Ok, I've been having some weird thoughts lately. I love my boys dearly and not one over the other...however, I'm worried that I may pick a favorite twin. :-( Does that make sense?? I'm worried about dividing my love and patience between the two babies and favoring one of them. I mean, the boys are different...I had them at two different times. But this is scaring me with the girls.
Have any of you had these feelings? I already feel like I've attached to "baby B" for some reason. And that scares me! I seem to rub that side of my belly more, I have a name tentively picked out for her, etc...I love them both, very much, already - but I worry about when they actually get here. Do I need a room with padded walls? Therapy? Ugh...tell me I'm normal, even if you have to lie. JK, don't can tell me I'm crazy. LOL.
Thanks for listening to me jabber...
Have any of you had these feelings? I already feel like I've attached to "baby B" for some reason. And that scares me! I seem to rub that side of my belly more, I have a name tentively picked out for her, etc...I love them both, very much, already - but I worry about when they actually get here. Do I need a room with padded walls? Therapy? Ugh...tell me I'm normal, even if you have to lie. JK, don't can tell me I'm crazy. LOL.
Thanks for listening to me jabber...
I promise you that when you lay your eyes on them when they are born, you will not have a favorite.
Maybe it's different for me because I have one of each, but from day one I have never favored one over the other. I thought for sure my husband would favor our son, but again, not even close to being the case. That man adores both kids the same.
Maybe it's different for me because I have one of each, but from day one I have never favored one over the other. I thought for sure my husband would favor our son, but again, not even close to being the case. That man adores both kids the same.

What the last episode of Toddlers and Tieras and I promise you after watching that pathetic excuse for a mother you will do your best not to favor one.
All children are different no matter what their ages or stage is. Riley is a much more difficult child. My girls were easy. On the other hand he gives me powerful squeezy hugs and kisses and snuggles more. They will each have their personalities and you will love them each equal but different.
All children are different no matter what their ages or stage is. Riley is a much more difficult child. My girls were easy. On the other hand he gives me powerful squeezy hugs and kisses and snuggles more. They will each have their personalities and you will love them each equal but different.
I don't have twins, but When my husband found out we were having a boy he was slightly disappointed...he was really hoping for a girl. He didn't think a son would like him...because he isn't a typical guy...he doesn't drink, he isn't into sports...those types of things...But as soon as Aethyn was born...he had daddy wrapped around his finger! He LOVES his little boy sooo much and now he can't imagine having a girl!
I don't think you will feel that way when they are born and hold them!....and I don't think you are crazy!!
I don't think you will feel that way when they are born and hold them!....and I don't think you are crazy!!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
It will be different once they are born, you won't love one more than the other, my husband always said my son Will is my favorite but I just spent more time with him because he was the only one that could latch on when nursing but it wasn't that he was my favorite I obviously held him more to feed him.... NOW on the other hand when they are older you might like one more than another on certain days :-) ok on alot of days, LOVE them always though!
Oh you are normal whatever the heck that means :-)