need help. . lapband, severe morning sickness
Hi all hope all is well with you. I am 1 1/2 years post lap-band and I have been very successful I have lost a total of 132 pounds with about 55 more until I hit my goal. My issue is that I have been having severe nausea with this one and can't find anything that always stays down. My doctor put me on Zofran but usually I just throw it back up....I am just looking for suggestions from you all about proteins and how to get them in, I am continueing to loose weight but not healthily. Somedays I can't even keep down water. I feel really whinny as this is my 3rd preg the other 2 were preband and I felt awesome with them as far as little or NO morning sickness, I do have to say I was much more fatigued with them. Anyway that was long but any suggestions are welcome!

Sounds like hyperemesis to me. Ask your doctor about suppositories instead of pils. Zofran never worked for me. Ask your doc about Reglan or Phenergran. sound dehydrated. Call your OB and tell them that you believe you're dehydrated. They either tell you to come in for a urine sample and then send you to get hydrated intraveinously or just send you in. This is the first time I haven't had hyperemesis by weeek five. Eat whatever you can keep down. I drank Glucerna the whole pregnancy with Nikolas because it doesn't have alot of sugar in it, but ten grams of protein. It helped to drink it before I got out of bed.
Thanks for your suggestions. I guess I should have mentioned I was in the hospital as an outpatient last Wednesday and then back in the clinic on Thursday. I had a sever kidney infection so my PCP gave me IV fluids and IV antibiotics, I really felt things were getting better but now here I am again but saw PCP yesterday and he felt all looked good. He even did an untrasound to make sure everything was okay with baby since I have been SOO sick. I have my first OB appointment tomorrow and will ask him about what else we can PCP didn't want to try phenergan at this point because of potential affects on baby at this stage. Will discuss all that with OB my PCP suggested drinking sugar water the consistency of syrup for the nausea but I can't even imagine trying that......I can't even gag down apple juice at this point it is just way to sweet.

i can totally relate..this is my 3rd pregnancy ...and first one banded too. but all my pregnancies i have severe morning sickness...reglan and phenergram didnt put a dent in my nausea and vommitting. with all pregnancies i take zofran 3x day at max dose....definately didnt take it away but has helped. i am going next week to my lapband surgeon to have fliud taken out...i am only able to keep down liquids, soups, shakes, and only a couple mushy foods. otherwise it gets stuck...and i vommit...can you take out some liquid? it may help? i started out at 183 when i found out i was pregnant...and in 5-6 weeks i am down to 169...obviously i am not trying to lose! recently i started drinking ensure shakes to get a boost of protein, vitamins and nutrients...
i am so sorry you are going thru this...i can totally relate! how far long are you? maybe it will ease up on you soon...keep us posted.
i am so sorry you are going thru this...i can totally relate! how far long are you? maybe it will ease up on you soon...keep us posted.
I could have written this post at the beginning of my pregnancy!!! I also am pregnant with #3 (1st pregnancy since band). Same probs. I highly recommend going and having at LEAST a small unfill if not having a ton taken out. It makes not gaining later a challenge but really helps with the nausea/vomiting etc. At least the morning sickness and band restriction aren't fighting each other. I stayed on protein shakes and very thin liquids until I was able to get in for an unfill in the beginning. Now I am fighting the GAIN!!! Good luck and keep us posted!
Love, Riah
Hi Kelli,
I'm so sorry you're suffering, though I know how you feel. Like Angie, I had HG during my last pregnancy. Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODT's) with the Zofran name brand helped some. For some silly reason, generics didn't work and neither did IV Zofran. Also, I was given Phenergran suppositories. Definitely talk it over with your doc and weigh the risks of malnourishment and weakness vs. more nausea meds. Another suggestion is to ask your doc to test your urine for ketones @ every visit. The presence of ketones indicates dehydration and you don't want to wait too long on getting re-hydrated. IV fluids (lactaid ringers and dextrose) were about the only thing that helped, but I had to be hospitalized quite often to keep up with the fluids. One more thing that helps is sucking on chipped ice or an ice cube throughout the day. I still vomited all the time, but it was so much easier on my pouch and throat to have something coming up rather than dry heaving (sorry, I know that's gross). Another thing that helped a bit was oyster crackers. Carried them everywhere and popped a few in every couple of hours to make sure something was always in my stomach. Also, add Vitamin B1 to your diet, as this is rapidly depleted from vomiting and can cause all kinds of problems. I couldn't swallow pills, so I crushed it and froze it in my home-made Powerade Zero popsicles.
Like Angie said, eat/drink whatever works for you right now. BTW, a lot of post-WLS women lose weight during pregnancy, myself included, and their babies are perfectly healthy. As long as it isn't too rapid, you *should* be fine.
Feel free to PM if there's anything I can do to help. I know it sucks, but I promise you that once you have the baby, you will feel like these days went by very quickly.
I'm so sorry you're suffering, though I know how you feel. Like Angie, I had HG during my last pregnancy. Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODT's) with the Zofran name brand helped some. For some silly reason, generics didn't work and neither did IV Zofran. Also, I was given Phenergran suppositories. Definitely talk it over with your doc and weigh the risks of malnourishment and weakness vs. more nausea meds. Another suggestion is to ask your doc to test your urine for ketones @ every visit. The presence of ketones indicates dehydration and you don't want to wait too long on getting re-hydrated. IV fluids (lactaid ringers and dextrose) were about the only thing that helped, but I had to be hospitalized quite often to keep up with the fluids. One more thing that helps is sucking on chipped ice or an ice cube throughout the day. I still vomited all the time, but it was so much easier on my pouch and throat to have something coming up rather than dry heaving (sorry, I know that's gross). Another thing that helped a bit was oyster crackers. Carried them everywhere and popped a few in every couple of hours to make sure something was always in my stomach. Also, add Vitamin B1 to your diet, as this is rapidly depleted from vomiting and can cause all kinds of problems. I couldn't swallow pills, so I crushed it and froze it in my home-made Powerade Zero popsicles.
Like Angie said, eat/drink whatever works for you right now. BTW, a lot of post-WLS women lose weight during pregnancy, myself included, and their babies are perfectly healthy. As long as it isn't too rapid, you *should* be fine.
Feel free to PM if there's anything I can do to help. I know it sucks, but I promise you that once you have the baby, you will feel like these days went by very quickly.
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
Thanks so much for all your kind worda and advice. I saw my OB for the first time today and I am feeling much better about what is going on and just knowing that we have a plan of care ready and he is willing to do whatever is needed to make sure baby and I have a healthy outcome! He just told me to really make sure that fluids were going in and try to keep up on them.....I think I will get some tasteless protein powder and add it to like gatorade and juice or whatever I can get to stay down and at least I would be getting some protein.
Anyone else have to add protein powder to things? Thanks again all! It is great to have such a supportive group.
Anyone else have to add protein powder to things? Thanks again all! It is great to have such a supportive group.
