sippy cups
hello everyone.... jayson is 9 months old now..and im trying to break him from the bottle....he wants nothing to do with a sippy cup and the straw ones he just looks at me like i gave him a bag of rocks for dinner... maybe hes just not ready yet... he wont even hold his own bottle... any ideas?
Maybe you can try the Gerber trainer sippy cups that have handles? I always started my kids with these 1st at around 6 months. They were both holding their own bottle too though.
It may be a matter of finding a sippy cup he likes. Lord knows they have a ton on the market. My kids have never liked the ones with the straws. I can't stand them myself.
Good luck! We are about to do away with the "baba" come Monday!
BTW.....Congrats on the BFP! How cool :)
Ash :)
It may be a matter of finding a sippy cup he likes. Lord knows they have a ton on the market. My kids have never liked the ones with the straws. I can't stand them myself.
Good luck! We are about to do away with the "baba" come Monday!
BTW.....Congrats on the BFP! How cool :)
Ash :)
I don't really have any advice for you...Aethyn broke himself of the bottle at the beginning of July. He had his 9 month appt and His Dr said to try and start breaking him of it because they would like to see them off a bottle around 12 right after she said that-that very day he decided he wanted nothing to do with a bottle! Aethyn has NO idea how to use the straw sippy. Does Jayson get Juice or anything like that? You could try and put that in there, and give him formula from his bottle...and slowly transition. Don't try it when he is tired either...maybe try shortly after he gets up-let him play a little and really wake up.
Maybe when he is playing just pu****er in a sippy and put it by his toys...maybe when he is playing he will pick it up and play with it and discover he likes it. Aethyn doesn't really hold his own...I have to do it for him, but sometimes he doesn't want me I just put it on his try and let him try. He doesn't really get the whole tip your head back thing very well either. He is kind of a fussy child when it comes to drinking though! He hates it! (I do think it has something to do with his reflux/puking though!!)
That's all I can think of....sorry it's not much of a help!
Maybe when he is playing just pu****er in a sippy and put it by his toys...maybe when he is playing he will pick it up and play with it and discover he likes it. Aethyn doesn't really hold his own...I have to do it for him, but sometimes he doesn't want me I just put it on his try and let him try. He doesn't really get the whole tip your head back thing very well either. He is kind of a fussy child when it comes to drinking though! He hates it! (I do think it has something to do with his reflux/puking though!!)
That's all I can think of....sorry it's not much of a help!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our

Make a pregnancy ticker
Avent makes a nice rubbery "spout" we put it on Mia's Kleen Kanteen and she adores it. She didn't like the hard plastic white Avent spout it came with but the rubbery one definitely has won her over. She is breastfed still but we always carry water in the Kleen Kanteen for her especially in these hot summer months. Their is an overwhelming amount of choices out there at any rate. I hope you find the one that works for you (Jayson) soon.
~Joyce (Mom to 6 Blessings)
Definately try different types of cups. Quade doesnt like te ones that are no spill because he has to suck too hard. He likes the 'Make a mess with me' ones because they are easy to drink from. He also likes no lids, ugh. But, when we went for the 1 year check up last week, dr said it was time to start getting rid of the bottle. I came home, told the family it was time and Quade hasnt had one since ****il he went back to grandmas on monday) and hasnt complained or wanted one at all. He went 4 days without it and still doesnt use it at home at all. I told grandma that he doesnt use it at home, she just doesnt give a shi*, still gives it to him but I am sure he will just get tired of it. He would rather have a cup. I am sure he will start walking as soon as she stops carrying him around and babying him all of the time too :P
Grandma's, cant live with em , cant live without em (ok well, I could).
Grandma's, cant live with em , cant live without em (ok well, I could).
Okay, first off I OBVIOUSLY missed a lot while I was in Iowa for 5 days!! Congrats on your BFP. That is so awesome. I have to say that I am somewhat jealous LOL Russ is begging for another baby and we have been not trying but not preventing, and notta. Although, I am scheduled for 4 surgeries starting Aug 14 to the beginning of Oct to have my varicose veins taken care of so I am now okay with the fact that I am not yet pregnant. Who knows when it will happen.
Now, about sippy cups. Libby HATES them. She just chews the crap out of them. I was a bit sad when she refused to drink out of them but then I opened my eyes and realized that she is not even 10 months old yet. There is nothing wrong with her having a bottle. Why make them grow up faster than they already do?? So, I will give them to her with water and she can chew on them all she wants. Some day she will decide she no longer wants the bottle and that the sippy cup is her new best friend. Obviously I won't let her drink out of a bottle until she is 2 years old though, there has to be a point where she is too old for it.
Now, about sippy cups. Libby HATES them. She just chews the crap out of them. I was a bit sad when she refused to drink out of them but then I opened my eyes and realized that she is not even 10 months old yet. There is nothing wrong with her having a bottle. Why make them grow up faster than they already do?? So, I will give them to her with water and she can chew on them all she wants. Some day she will decide she no longer wants the bottle and that the sippy cup is her new best friend. Obviously I won't let her drink out of a bottle until she is 2 years old though, there has to be a point where she is too old for it.
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"