Surrendering to Weight Gain?
OK, I'm not sure if this post will actually make sense, but I need to get this out, and if anyone would understand...those here could.
After 2 years TTC using IUI's and ultimately an IVF, my husband and I are 24w1d with our first child. We're thrilled beyond description. This baby boy has already brought us great joy and excitement. We're eager to greet him on October 30th...less than 15 weeks away.
I weighed 200 when we began to TTC, by the time of conception, I was 215. Now, at 24 weeks, I am approximately 235. That is a 20 lb. gain in 24 weeks. It seems excessive to me, but my doctor, his nurses, etc. don't seem to think it is. Yesterday I noticed the fat roll that likes to hang over the side of my bra seemed...more plentiful. My face has filled out more. My baby belly is huge (which I love...) and hard. The fact that it is hard helps me remember that I'm not getting fat, but growing a baby. Seriously, I touch my belly all the time since the hard feeling is sooooo different than the fat roll feeling. I embrace the changes, but at the same time feel so out of control of them.
My daily intake is capped at 2000 calories while pregnant and I've been pushing all the right things...protein, at least 20 gr. fiber from food sources, lots of water. Actually I'm rather proud of my eating, and more importantly, what I'm NOT consuming. I walk my dog and am relatively active on any given day. Not a gym-goer per se, but active. Yesterday I was in a pool for 1.5 hours...and it felt so good to be weightless and moving all around.
Perhaps I simply need to surrender to the fact that my body is going to do what it thinks is best. So, even though I'm eating responsibly, etc., my body just needs to do it's thing. By "surrender," I don't mean give up or give in...rather just continue making good choices and allowing my body to do whatever is needs to for this baby.
Does that make sense?
After 2 years TTC using IUI's and ultimately an IVF, my husband and I are 24w1d with our first child. We're thrilled beyond description. This baby boy has already brought us great joy and excitement. We're eager to greet him on October 30th...less than 15 weeks away.
I weighed 200 when we began to TTC, by the time of conception, I was 215. Now, at 24 weeks, I am approximately 235. That is a 20 lb. gain in 24 weeks. It seems excessive to me, but my doctor, his nurses, etc. don't seem to think it is. Yesterday I noticed the fat roll that likes to hang over the side of my bra seemed...more plentiful. My face has filled out more. My baby belly is huge (which I love...) and hard. The fact that it is hard helps me remember that I'm not getting fat, but growing a baby. Seriously, I touch my belly all the time since the hard feeling is sooooo different than the fat roll feeling. I embrace the changes, but at the same time feel so out of control of them.
My daily intake is capped at 2000 calories while pregnant and I've been pushing all the right things...protein, at least 20 gr. fiber from food sources, lots of water. Actually I'm rather proud of my eating, and more importantly, what I'm NOT consuming. I walk my dog and am relatively active on any given day. Not a gym-goer per se, but active. Yesterday I was in a pool for 1.5 hours...and it felt so good to be weightless and moving all around.
Perhaps I simply need to surrender to the fact that my body is going to do what it thinks is best. So, even though I'm eating responsibly, etc., my body just needs to do it's thing. By "surrender," I don't mean give up or give in...rather just continue making good choices and allowing my body to do whatever is needs to for this baby.
Does that make sense?
Hi Paula! It makes complete sense that you understand your body. It is acutally the best thing to do to eat healthy and follow your doctors recommendations. I started out not far from you and my Dr completely lectured me that I have gained 10 pounds. They are sticking to the no1 needs to gain more then 15 pound rule. I would love to stay at 15 pounds total gain. That is what I did for my first daughter (I believe, never really confirmed my weight!). Anyways...eating well and making sure the baby is growing perfect is what I think matters. It seems from your posts that you have wonderful self control and will bounce back fine after baby. As I write this I really want to eat something, but I know I don't need to...with some people the "old ways" try to sneak just need to be accountable and think about it.
Oh- and I saw your post about baby coming Oct 30th. I am super jealous..I have always wanted a October baby (I LOVE fall and Oct is my favorite) and I'm 2 days or so behing you. I am hoping I can talk them into October c-section day, considering my first baby was right on time (water broke on due date) and she was over 8 pounds. I'm also jealous that you have a true baby bump...mine is hidden in my long torso...but when I lay down, she'r right there. Enjoy your pregnancy, it can be so much fun.
Oh- and I saw your post about baby coming Oct 30th. I am super jealous..I have always wanted a October baby (I LOVE fall and Oct is my favorite) and I'm 2 days or so behing you. I am hoping I can talk them into October c-section day, considering my first baby was right on time (water broke on due date) and she was over 8 pounds. I'm also jealous that you have a true baby bump...mine is hidden in my long torso...but when I lay down, she'r right there. Enjoy your pregnancy, it can be so much fun.
I can sympathize with you, my first pregnancy I gained 70 pounds went from 180 to 252 on delivery day. I lost 65 pounds in 7 months after she was born, weighing in at 185. I am 37 1/2 weeks now and weigh 243 lbs so again another large gain. I forsee weighing 250 again at delivery. The last time I lost 30 lbs in the two weeks after she was born. The remaining 40 was HARD to shed but with hard work and determination it came off. I also followed Weigh****chers a bit, I went to ten weeks of meetings and then did it myself. It worked good for me, maybe you could try it out. Good Luck and dont beat yourself up over the weight. Believe me if you have a preconceieved notion that your butt/thighs will look like they did pre-pregnancy on the day you deliver your going to be depressed. I was thinking I would lose it all when I had her...gosh was I in some dream world. Just smile - eat right and work it off later. I use to be obsessed with being "skinny" now I just want to be healthy and make good choices for me and my girls.
Have a good one!
I can sympathize with you, my first pregnancy I gained 70 pounds went from 180 to 252 on delivery day. I lost 65 pounds in 7 months after she was born, weighing in at 185. I am 37 1/2 weeks now and weigh 243 lbs so again another large gain. I forsee weighing 250 again at delivery. The last time I lost 30 lbs in the two weeks after she was born. The remaining 40 was HARD to shed but with hard work and determination it came off. I also followed Weigh****chers a bit, I went to ten weeks of meetings and then did it myself. It worked good for me, maybe you could try it out. Good Luck and dont beat yourself up over the weight. Believe me if you have a preconceieved notion that your butt/thighs will look like they did pre-pregnancy on the day you deliver your going to be depressed. I was thinking I would lose it all when I had her...gosh was I in some dream world. Just smile - eat right and work it off later. I use to be obsessed with being "skinny" now I just want to be healthy and make good choices for me and my girls.

Hi Paula,
24 weeks already, wow!
I know how you feel about the weight gain. I gained exactly 30 pounds when I got pregnant and I was freaking out because I thought I should only gain 20 pounds since I was still considered over weight. I was so freaked out by it that every time I got on the scale at the doctors office my blood pressure went up, which let my doctors to worry about hypertension. Every time I took it myself my BP was normal. Anyway, I am getting off track here.
I lost all of my pregnancy weight by the time my baby was 2 weeks old. My body wasn't the same and I couldn't get into my pregnancy clothes yet, but the numbers on the scale were down.
My baby is just about 6 months old now and I weigh 7 pounds less then when I got pregnant and my clothes are just starting to fit again. Some things are still too tight even though I weigh less then I did before. Go figure.
Just surrender, the weight gain is inevitable. Don't make yourself feel crappy about it. Just keep growing your little guy!
Take care!
24 weeks already, wow!
I know how you feel about the weight gain. I gained exactly 30 pounds when I got pregnant and I was freaking out because I thought I should only gain 20 pounds since I was still considered over weight. I was so freaked out by it that every time I got on the scale at the doctors office my blood pressure went up, which let my doctors to worry about hypertension. Every time I took it myself my BP was normal. Anyway, I am getting off track here.
I lost all of my pregnancy weight by the time my baby was 2 weeks old. My body wasn't the same and I couldn't get into my pregnancy clothes yet, but the numbers on the scale were down.
My baby is just about 6 months old now and I weigh 7 pounds less then when I got pregnant and my clothes are just starting to fit again. Some things are still too tight even though I weigh less then I did before. Go figure.
Just surrender, the weight gain is inevitable. Don't make yourself feel crappy about it. Just keep growing your little guy!
Take care!
Open RNY 7/14/2005
hi Paula makes perfect sense to me! I have been beating myself up this whole pregnancy with no prevail as the weight keeps coming good or bad eating! you still have time to just sit back and enjoy and I really truly hope that you can do that because it will make it so much nicer for you! Now if I could have only taken all the advice I was given! I am doing the right things now and if the weight still comes I know for sure that is because it is supposed to and thats thats!
I admire you for your commitment. With Emma I gained 70 pounds...but I wasn't being too careful. With this baby, like you, I am committed to making the better choices and being active. I KNOW how hard it is, so kudos to you. I also know how it is to gain with fertility treatments. The overall weight gain sucks. But, just think of the beautiful baby you are gaining in your life. His health is what is important and all the other stuff is secondary. You will lose weight after baby is born...and you will get the rest off, you seem diligent that way. Enjoy your baby bump! Shari