Daughter's 9 month checkup
I took my daughter yesterday to get her ears checked for infection. She has been especially whiney and clingy lately and pulling on her ears, so I wanted to get them checked to be safe. Her ears are fine, but she is teething pretty badly. She has several new teeth coming in. (She already has 5). I'm glad her ears were okay though.
I asked the Doc if he would go ahead and do her 9 month checkup because we were due back next week for it anyway. So he went ahead and did it. She is one healthy chunky baby! She is 21 lbs. 6 oz. and is 29 inches long. (ugh... time to invest in a new car seat!) She is doing very well and on step 3 foods, 3-4 bottles a day of formula, sitting up, crawling like theres no tomorrow, and even pulling up with some assistance. "Papa" was her first word... Lil ****! But, "Mamama" is coming... We're diligently working on that! LOL
Anyway, she didn't need any shots this go around, but they did ***** her thumb to do a CBC on her. Her platelet count came back low. So, what the heck does this mean for a baby?? He didn't elaborate on it. He just said he wasn't too worried about it. My platelet count is low too... maybe she got it from me?? I don't know, but I have never heard of this in a baby. Does anyone have any ideas??
I didn't tell you this to scare you, and like I said, if the doc isn't concerned, it is probably just because you are low, too. Do you take longer to clot than normal?