Really Confused, need help from moms that have miscarried...
So I wrote last night how i had a little bit of blood, light blood mixed with a discharge so very light. It happened at 8:30 and an hour later there was no sign of blood whatsoever. This morning i woke up at 5 with the same thing and again an hour later no sign of any blood. As i sit here right now there is still no blood.
When you have miscarried and had the spotting, was it a constant spotting and then heavy or did you spot off an on like this.
Please help, Im a nervous wreck.
When you have miscarried and had the spotting, was it a constant spotting and then heavy or did you spot off an on like this.
Please help, Im a nervous wreck.

I have lost 112lbs since my surgery in November of 2007. Ready for a baby now.
I had light spotting at 5 weeks and 6 weeks. Was very light. They ran my HCG and the numbers never really doubled. At 7 weeks 3 days I had a ultra sound and saw a heart beat. At 10 weeks I had some slight cramping...and didn't feel pregnant anymore. I knew something was wrong. Went in and the baby had no heartbeat. They had said it must have just happend. I had no bleeding at all since 6 weeks.
Now with my son Cameron I had very light spotting at 5 weeks. He was perfectly healthy. I would call the Dr and have them run your HCG levels.
Now with my son Cameron I had very light spotting at 5 weeks. He was perfectly healthy. I would call the Dr and have them run your HCG levels.
It seems everyone is different. Mine was 2 or 3 wipes of a very light brown discharge. No pain, no issues other wise....u/s confirmed the loss. I was told the spotting can be very normal...had some this pregnancy and so far (23 weeks) things have been going well. I would let your Dr have the say in what step should be next..checking HcG or u/s. Sending positive thoughts.
You need to call your doctor.
I had a miscarriage at 8 1/2 weeks. At 6 1/2 weeks I had an ultrasound and baby had a heartbeat. At 8 1/2 weeks I went in and baby had lost its heartbeat within the last 24 hours (since it was measuring at 8 1/2 weeks). I stopped taking the progestrone that day and the next day I started lightly bleeding. I then bled for 14 days. The doctor didn't want to do a D&C since it was my first.
I hope that everything is ok!
I had a miscarriage at 8 1/2 weeks. At 6 1/2 weeks I had an ultrasound and baby had a heartbeat. At 8 1/2 weeks I went in and baby had lost its heartbeat within the last 24 hours (since it was measuring at 8 1/2 weeks). I stopped taking the progestrone that day and the next day I started lightly bleeding. I then bled for 14 days. The doctor didn't want to do a D&C since it was my first.
I hope that everything is ok!