The suspense is killing me...Help!!!
You remember 39 and TTC first child. 3 yrs post op, etc.? Well, even so, I need some encouragement badly. Almost 2 weeks ago we had our last cycle of IUI the last two were unsuccessful. I am not suppose to test until Thursday. It's killing me. I refuse to profess symptoms because once we are inseminated my mind tells me things that aren't true. I just want this so bad and all anyone ever tells me is to relax. How can you relax when the one thing you want so badly seems to keep slipping from your reach more and more each month that passes?
Everyone says IVF will definitely work if this doesn't. However, Dr.'s also said there's no reason IUI won't work for you two, still nothing. I'm not nauseas (except a little that I am sure happens everytime I start the progesterone suppositories) No pain or feelings in the pelvic area. I just don't know what pregnant really feels like, my only prenancy lasted 4 weeks and I miscarried the day after I was told I was pregnant.
I guess I just need some warm and fuzzy thoughts from some people who know what this feels like and won't just tell me to relax, yes, I know I need to do that too, and suggestions on how?
336lbs 6/19/06 - 198 lbs - 6/19/10 138 lbs gone forever!!!
We have our miracle: Jakob Makhi born 4-15-10; 4 lbs. 10 oz. 22" long.
Sending positive thoughts your way. I didn't feel pregnant when I tested, I just tested because AF wasn't there...My breasts were a little fuller...but sometimes with cycles that happens too. I say keep the faith that it worked this time, stay busy. I can only identify that with a history of m/c believing I was pregnant and would be successful was stressful, so I lived one day at a time. Cautiously optomistic. I know a lot of woman test early, but I guess there is a risk for a false positive if you had to use triggers etc. Good luck- hope you have great news soon.
336lbs 6/19/06 - 198 lbs - 6/19/10 138 lbs gone forever!!!
We have our miracle: Jakob Makhi born 4-15-10; 4 lbs. 10 oz. 22" long.
Honestly, I never found a way to let go. But I tried to keep REALLY busy and forced myself to read books or play online games whenever I had idle time so that my mind was otherwise engaged.
Keeping everything crossed for you and please keep us posted.
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
I will keep you guys posted as soon as I know anything. Thanks for the encouragement!
336lbs 6/19/06 - 198 lbs - 6/19/10 138 lbs gone forever!!!
We have our miracle: Jakob Makhi born 4-15-10; 4 lbs. 10 oz. 22" long.
The best way for me not to think about things is read. I am sending my warm and fuzzy thoughts to you. GOOD LUCK!

I have three sisters and being the oldest was devastated to have them having children when I wanted one so badly. The stress we put on ourselves is a killer and there really is no way to relax, just distract yourself as much as possible and keep busy, give yourself as little time to think about it as possible.