Low iron didn't make me do that
Well....at least try to get the pretty white one w/the embroidery on it so you'll look smashing! (Just kidding....!)
I've never had panic attacks, but have heard they're a ***** and can make you think you're about to keel over. Hopefully it's a one off thing for you. Don't beat yourself up too much...You've been through a lot emotionally lately...getting pg and your husband not being very supportive/accepting...then when he finally started coming around, having the mc. Hang in there and keep taking care of yourself...and keep coming here when you need some support.
I've never had panic attacks, but have heard they're a ***** and can make you think you're about to keel over. Hopefully it's a one off thing for you. Don't beat yourself up too much...You've been through a lot emotionally lately...getting pg and your husband not being very supportive/accepting...then when he finally started coming around, having the mc. Hang in there and keep taking care of yourself...and keep coming here when you need some support.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Well how exactly do they know that your low iron isn't causing all those symptoms? Everyone reacts differently to things....we are not all cookie cutters.
Maybe you have a homonal wire crossed. My bet is that a lot of your symptoms go away after your iron is up or a while.
Just in case, have them do a full hormone panel.
If that's the "craziest" thing you ever have, you are WAY off from the white coats, my dear