Yeast infections
I know you probably don't want to run out again, but Monistate makes these wipes, called "Cooling Wipes" sometimes they come in the package, but you can buy them seperatly. They work wonders for stopping the itch immediatly. Also, a quick rinse with vinager and water (2 to 1 ratio with more water then vinigar) will often give instant relife from the outer itching, I put it on a warm washcloth and leave it on for a bit, it burns at first, but man it feels so much better after.
I take lunch in about 20 min and was thinking about going to Target. I might just have to buy some of those wipes because otherwise I might go crazy!!! Men think it is okay to itch themselves in public, I do not. LOL
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"