
on 7/10/09 4:58 am - midland, TX
RNY on 02/17/09 with
ok girls several questions.... how long did it take you to get preggo after wls? am hoping another couple of months and am gonna start trying!!! i knw its too soon my clockis TICKING!! loud too!! lol am pecos and i wonder if any of you needed any help after ?   so on the subject of eating i hear everybody saying all the things they eat...doues the pregnancy change your avility to eat? can you eat things you could not before? curuios! 


Jesse H.
on 7/10/09 5:08 am - Shermans Dale, PA
Hello!  I didn't get pregnant until 18 months after my RNY.  My DR. recommended me to wait due to mal-absorbtion problems and not being able to eat as much as before.  I started trying this April and on April 30th I found out that I was preggo!  I am so happy but still have lots of concerns about the whoel pregnancy.  Needed no help!  Apparently losing all that weight is what helped me!!! 

About the eating, I think it may be different for everybody.  I notice I can not drink ANY milk or have any soft serve ice cream (DAMN!) but I guess that's a good thing.  I can eat pretty much anything, which can be a problem. 

Good Luck on TTC!

Kristy T.
on 7/10/09 6:17 am - Stockton, CA
I tried for 8+ years prior to my WLS (RNY) and was unable to get pregnant even with medications due to PCOS (which is what I think you said you have "pecos").  We also had a male factor as my hubby has low counts/motility.  Fortunately for us we were able to get pregnant 2x after surgery both times the 1st month trying.  We...or rather I...charted my basal body temp (bbt) to pinpoint my ovulation so that we could time BD (baby dancing...aka...doing the deed) accordingly. 

As for eating, I ate the same kinds of foods I did pre pregnancy, I just ate more frequently.  Instead of just 3 meals a day I ate 3 meals & 3 snacks a day to not only get in added calories needed for baby but also to help keep my blood sugars stable.  

My OB treated me like any other pregnant patient with the exception of my vitamins & GTT (glucose tolerance check for gestational diabetes).  With the ok of both my surgeon & OB I took 2x the prenatal vitamin (I did the OneSource brand at Walmart), a Super B Complex, Sublingual B12 & Calcium Citrate.  For the GTT I did not drink that stuff.  It has like 50g of sugar in it and would make me dump horribly.  Instead I did a fasting glucose, ate a regular meal & then tested again 1 hr later (called a fasting/1hr post prandial). 

With my 1st pregnancy I was able to tolerate more sugar, but not with my 2nd.  Each pregnancy was different.

Good luck when you decide to ttc!!
                     102_1463.jpg image by goddess819                                               102_1481.jpg image by goddess819    
Lilypie - (8NSG)            Lilypie - (HyKO) 
Kristy T.
on 7/10/09 6:21 am - Stockton, CA
Oh...and I got pregnant the 1st time at 16 months post op & the 2nd time at 3.5 years post op.  I noticed that you just had surgery in February.  Ideally you want to be a minimum of 12 months post op before pregnancy to maximize good eating habits & weight loss.
                     102_1463.jpg image by goddess819                                               102_1481.jpg image by goddess819    
Lilypie - (8NSG)            Lilypie - (HyKO) 
on 7/10/09 12:24 pm - MA

I have alot of similarities as kristy.....
I waited a year after the surgery {well a year and a few months!} and in all honesty.....i think i woulda waited alil longer just to get to my goal first! haha. I had a REALLY hard time accepting the scale going in the other direction when i got used to it going down! i mean i was at 150 when i got pregnant and still wanted to lose another 25lbs....and now im at 190 and that is a VERY hard # for me to see!!!!! considering i was 230at my highest and i feel as though that isnt THAT far from THAT alone should make u think alil bit longer be4 u try to conceive! it took 1 week of me being off the pill to get pregnant so it literally wasnt hard AT ALL so again i would just make sure that u are COMPLETELY satisfied with ur status be4 u try....b/c it might not take u that for the process.....:
I didnt do the glucose test that u drink either....i also did the 1 hr fasting blood test.....they do treat u just like a "normal" pregnant person except u just have to be aware that along with the prenatals u shuld still take the b12 and calcium and biotin {if u are taking that all along} the thing they do say to drop is the iron...sooo other than that its pretty much easy sailing from there!!! 

My appetite definatly INCREASED alot during this pregnancy......i am able to eat just about ANYTHING i want and i dont dump at all!! which in a way is good....and bad! without self control im sure i would have gained WELL over the 40lbs!! i must say though i had the BEST pregnancy EVER!! lol there was not ONE thing that went wrong AT sickness no nothing. SOOOO that being sed.....if u have any other questions im not sure how much of help i can be but feel free to ask!!  :) i have alll GOOD stories with no complaints about much :)
Good luck with everything!!!


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie


on 7/10/09 4:18 pm - Sumner, WA
I was similar to Kristy too.  We tried 8 years, 2 losses and finally adopted our first.  After RNY I got pregnant at 4 months post op by surprise.  I don't recommend that!  I didn't have ANY problems during the pregnancy but I still managed to gain 50 lbs and never got the last 10 off before getting pregnant again - BY SURPRISE!  So, even with 8+ years of PCOS I am now fertile myrtle and 19 weeks pregnant with twin girls! 

Oh, and my pregnancies have been treated exactly like Kristy's also. 

Good luck,
Mom to Holden (5 yrs), Kellen (2 yrs) and Clara and Chloe born 11/6/09

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