Recommendations for dr/clinic in the U.S.?
I don't care where they're at in the U.S., since I'll already be dragging my ancient, decrepit ass all the way there side of the U.S. is the same as another to me after that much flying.
I need someone who can listen and not get stuck at the red light after hearing my age/blood clotting issues.
If anyone knows of a good dr/clinic (or if there's one you know that sucks and I should stay away from...please forewarn me!), please let me know the info on them. I'll also look on the internet...but figure the more info I have, the better options I have.
Thank you.
January 2008,
July 2008
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Mom to Khaled
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
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July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Also, I would look and see if there are any programs at John's Hopkins or Mayo Clinic.
Grrrr.......I hate firefox sometimes not letting me post the actual clickable link. Sorry

January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Your very welcome. I believe the exact name is the Scherr or Sherr Institute. I have a friend that when all else failed she went to Dr.Scherr/Sherr and became viably pg. She did have to have IVIg several times throughout her pg, but she did indeed have a take home baby. is where I finally figured out that my ANAs were just way too high for me to have a viable pg w/o the use of baby aspirins and heparin therapy. You may also ask about using a heparin pump for your blood thinner, as did I. It delivered a continuous drip 24/7. A PIA, but it was well worth it! My prayers go out to you!
I don't know if this dr will be able to help with your situation but it maybe worth a shot to call them and see. I called them and they said they can help people with re-occurent miscarriages. There is a Dr. Silber in St. Louis, MO that has a show on the Disccovery Channel called the Baby Lab. He has been able to help lots of couples. His website is I really hope you can find some answers!