Yesterdays Ultrasound
Ok so I have been limping this degree of mine along for quite awhile and yes I take classes in the summer. Mondays and Tuesdays I am in class for almost 8 hours straight. Thank the Lord it's only a 4 week class, well then another 3 hour class starts but anyway. I was racing to get my girls back home before class started and didn't get a chance to post.
The ultrasound went amazing. Our bean is measuring 8weeks 1 day and my LMP dating put me at 8 weeks 3days so they are sticking with mine they said. Heartbeat was 164. Not much to see but exactly what I wanted to see.
Have a beautiful and blessed day!
~Joyce (Mom to 6 Blessings)
The ultrasound went amazing. Our bean is measuring 8weeks 1 day and my LMP dating put me at 8 weeks 3days so they are sticking with mine they said. Heartbeat was 164. Not much to see but exactly what I wanted to see.

Have a beautiful and blessed day!

~Joyce (Mom to 6 Blessings)
So glad the bean is okay. You sound so busy and I think it's way cool that you are squeezing degree in there too. Are you mom to 6 blessings incluing this one or will there be seven? That's Awesome! I'm the last of twelve.
YAY for the healthy bean!!!
just saw your profile....this will be # 7...That's freakin Cool!!!! You rock!!!
YAY for the healthy bean!!!
just saw your profile....this will be # 7...That's freakin Cool!!!! You rock!!!
I did not go to school when our first three were all under 4. I thought I was gonna lose my mind on some days. We got through it....and 4 years and fertility treatment later added to the bunch. I had my RnY when he was 18 months old. We got pregnant 2 months post op. I decided to go back to school during that pregnancy. I feel like school gives me an outlet and "adult interaction" and I enjoy learning new things. We always joke about whether or not I will ever put this degree to work but working on it sure is fun most of the time. I only go 1/2 to 3/4 time because motherhood comes first. I can always go to school but I kinda only have one shot at being a Mom.
As for the energy....well I don't know most days now I feel exhausted. We co-sleep so I never have sleepless nights with baby. In fact the 3 youngest are still in our bed usually unless one of the little boys crawls in bed with the older girls. I wear my babies in Moby's, Maya Wraps, and the Ergo when they are bigger. I usually take the baby to class with me the first year even. I have found that the less I try and control or micro-manage the better my life runs. I have learned that I am nothing if not adaptable. This is a huge change from cleaning the white carpet with a toothbrush when I had three in diapers. I was so big on control. NOW.......If the house is clean enough to be sanitary and I can find my shoes on the way out the door....that's success!
~Joyce (Mom to 6 soon to be 7 Blessings)
As for the energy....well I don't know most days now I feel exhausted. We co-sleep so I never have sleepless nights with baby. In fact the 3 youngest are still in our bed usually unless one of the little boys crawls in bed with the older girls. I wear my babies in Moby's, Maya Wraps, and the Ergo when they are bigger. I usually take the baby to class with me the first year even. I have found that the less I try and control or micro-manage the better my life runs. I have learned that I am nothing if not adaptable. This is a huge change from cleaning the white carpet with a toothbrush when I had three in diapers. I was so big on control. NOW.......If the house is clean enough to be sanitary and I can find my shoes on the way out the door....that's success!

~Joyce (Mom to 6 soon to be 7 Blessings)
Thank you Joyce. I will try being adaptable. I am very controlling and LOVE everything clean and tidy. I have come to realize with 2 under 2 this will be near impossible especially since I work full time. I dont feel "in control" co sleeping because I cant sleep good with kids in the bed. I hear every noise and am a very light sleeper. So you keep the baby in bed with you and dont have to get up? Well thank you for your response, I think I just need to lighten up a bit and take things less seriously.