Infant Constipation
She has been constipated since We came home. Her Dr has me putting syrup in her milk ans using suppositories. She ahs cahnged her milk twice. she is now on isomil (soy). Has anyone else had these problems?
Thank you all for the good wishes and a special Thank you to Beth my Angel.
May God Bless and Keep you is my prayer, Nessa
Our Baby's name will be : Zayne Kenecia
Hope she gets some relief soon.
My son, who is now 14, had chronic constipation when he was little....serious constipation which started at about 5 weeks old. He'd go 8-9 DAYS w/o a thing! The dr started him on prune juice, then senacot (senna...a laxative), suppositories, mineral oil - and all of these things I'm talking maximum ADULT dosage - and he wouldn't go for nothing. We literally had to lay him on the floor with the diaper and a towel under him and push his legs up to his stomach - HARD - to get him to go, then he'd finally explode. I swear he had the tightest little ass anyone in the world every hard. It was funny and sad at the same time, because when we'd push his legs up to hus tummy, we'd tell him to 'push the caci...' so he'd get his little toy rabbit he slept with and do the same thing to his rabbit...push his legs up and tell it to push the caci.
They did tests to see if he had Crohns disease, etc., to find a cause for it and never did find out what was the matter. The drs were telling me not to expect him to be potty trained until he was 7-8 years old because of the constipation...but after the fights I had w/the mineral oil trying to get him to take it (at 2 1/2 years old, I had to wrap my legs around him and plug his nose to get him to open his mouth and take it), I finally quit giving him anything, just encouraged him to eat prunes, lots of fiber and water...and let him ride it out. He finally got where he could go on his own every 2nd/3rd day by about age 3 1/2. He still gets constipated, but doesn't take anything for it...occasionally he has problems w/blood in the stool from 'fissures,' but since it's not a constant problem w/the blood, there's nothing to be done for it.
Also...sometimes my husband would take my son in the shower, sit on the edge of the tub w/him on his legs, laying my son on his stomach and just bounce his legs a little so his knees would put pressure on his stomach...running warm water over him from the shower...and that would help relax him enough to do his business. It didn't always work, but it did sometimes.
Hopefully since then drs have made progress in helping babies w/constipation...and I hope Zayne's isn't as bad as my son's was, because it was miserable for all of us.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled