Toddler Sleep ? - HELP!!

on 6/30/09 1:34 am
Ok....this may be too long - apology ahead of time

My wonderful Nylah who is 15 months old started sleeping through the night (9p-6a) at about 3 months old. This past month she has been waking somewere between 1-3am (not for eating/drinking) and just wants me to take and rock her in the living room. She dosent want to lay in my bed (which is fine with me). She makes me feel bad saying Mama, and if I put her down she will say Mama No. I feel awful but I work full time and am very pregnant, and very freaking tired of this. What to do? Help, any advice I will try anything. I will NOT be able to deal with this very well if she continues this when we have a newborn.

on 6/30/09 5:53 am - Huntsville, AL
Is she crying when she wakes up?  Maybe bed time could be moved back a little...I know if I go to bed too early I wake up in between those times too...I know the later I go to bed the better I sleep...


Lilypie - (zx1x)

Pre-op 284/Current 180/Goal 145  5'5
Surgery Date:April 23, 2007


tricia M.
on 6/30/09 11:00 am - pennington, NJ
this may sound stupid but do you have a night light in the room? because i have a 1year old and he started waking in the middle if the night...and i would have to rock him as my husband after he fell asleep would dim the light till barely there or would turn it off completely,,and worked for us....hope he goes back to his usual schedule soon! best of luck!


on 6/30/09 11:55 am
Oh you poor thing! You must feel like a walking zombie. It sucks, but it's pretty common at Nylah's age. It's usually just a matter of teaching them to soothe themselves back to sleep (easier said than done, right?).

Do you put her to bed at night when she's still awake but sleepy? This is key. We had a crib aquarium that shuts off after 15 minutes. I'd put the kids in their crib and turn on the aquarium, which seemed to help lull them to sleep. Sometimes I'd have to go back in their room, rub their back a few seconds, tell them goodnight and leave again. Basically the Ferber method. I'd do the same thing when they woke in the middle of the night. After about a week, they had developed the ability to soothe themselves back to sleep.

Another thing that really helped was a transition object (pacifier, stuffed animal, blankie). For DS, it was these small fleece and satin blankies. I slept with them a few nights until they smelled like me, then he would take one to bed each night. It was something he could reach for if he woke. Explain it in very simple terms, "here's your silkie to keep with you tonight" and you may have to help her find it a few times, but it was a lifesaver for us. We bought 3 so that we always had one if the others were dirty.

Whatever you do, consistency is important. I remember doing the Ferber method with DS and crying every time I left the room for 5 minutes. But I kept doing the steps and it wasn't very many nights before he was sleeping on his own. If you aren't familiar with it, you can google it or feel free to PM me.

Good luck and hang in there! It DOES get better and she WILL sleep really well one day soon!


DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old

"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward." -Soren Kierkegaard-
on 6/30/09 9:55 pm
Thank you Thank you. Actually she goes to bed awake half the time not even sleepy. She dosen't cry at that time, only in the middle of the night. Lastnight she didn't wake at all (thank god). I haven't needed to rock her to sleep at bed time for many many months. I had been using the aquarium thing but it ran out of battery so I didnt last night which seemed to work better. Hmmm...trial and error I suppose. Thank you for your help!
on 7/1/09 5:38 am - Sumner, WA
I know it's hard, but my son started waking at 5am.  I am NOT a morning person and decided to let him cry it out.  IT WAS TOUGH.  When he didn't stop after 10 minutes, I went in, laid him back down, and tucked him in.  He cried some more but not nearly as long and eventually fell back asleep.

The next day, he woke up at 6am...still too early for me!  I did the same thing but he only cried for 5 minutes and I didn't have to go back in there...he fell back asleep.  The next day he woke up at 7:30 and I haven't had to do the cry-it-out for a while...until today. 
He got up early yesterday because someone came to the door at 7:00...the little girl I just started watching...I wonder if he thought he might be missing out on something if he didn't get up early today!  We started over with crying it out...we shall see what tomorrow brings!


Mom to Holden (5 yrs), Kellen (2 yrs) and Clara and Chloe born 11/6/09

on 7/1/09 11:01 pm
Thank you. I wouldn't mind her waking at 5am, as long as I sleep all night. I get up at 5:30am anyways to get ready for work. Just think you have a toddler and twins on the way - wooooweeeeeee exhaustion. I am getting more anxious as due date approaches with uncertainty for how my lil one will feel about the baby. My husband been gone most her life already hes in the NAVY so its always just her and I and she is momma's girl, the one night he did try to give me a break and get up with her she screamed for me, I hated getting up but was so glad she wanted me it felt good.
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