My iron is AWESOME. No sickness, and NO CONSTIPATION. This is the only one I can say that about and I've tried dozens. I get it at The Vitamin Shoppe. It's called Nature's Plus- High Potency Chewable Iron. There is 27 mg of iron in each tablet. I take 2 per day, plus my pre-natal. My levels are excellent and even were during pregnancy. They are also fast acting and taste pretty decent...sour cherry.
I recommend either VitaLady Tender Iron or Celebrate baratric vitamins iron.
The Tender Iron is carbonyl iron- and you need to take a Vitamin C with it. The Celebrate is ferrous fumarate and has Vitamin C with it. Both are MUCH easier on the digestive tract than ferrous sulfate. I bought both online. I recently recommended them to my gramma who is 94 and was needing to start taking iron. No problems for her!
I've also taken Vitron-C which I could find locally. I forget which iron that is.
HTH ! good luck!
The Tender Iron is carbonyl iron- and you need to take a Vitamin C with it. The Celebrate is ferrous fumarate and has Vitamin C with it. Both are MUCH easier on the digestive tract than ferrous sulfate. I bought both online. I recently recommended them to my gramma who is 94 and was needing to start taking iron. No problems for her!
I've also taken Vitron-C which I could find locally. I forget which iron that is.
HTH ! good luck!