My Sweet, Adorable One year old..........

Bridget P.
on 6/27/09 12:52 am - Leechburg, PA
Oh, Sydnee is only 9 days older than Zoe and let me tell you... Syd must be advanced for her age.  LOL  She has been rotten for the past few months now.  The throwing herself down on the ground started a little after she was able to walk around.  She started walking freely in Dec... so maybe around Jan/Feb she started the temper tantrums.  She'd carefully place herself on the ground and scream and kick one leg against the floor.  She has been known to smack or kick.  At this point we give her a stern no, no hitting... and then put her down or put her in another room away from us for a minute if she is very insistant on being bratty.  LOL

It's so hard.  I have been home with her more than any of my other children and I see her little fits that she throws.  It makes me coocoo.  SHe certainly has her own little attitude.  Let hope that since they started so young that they grow out of it a lot quicker.  LOL

Don't stress about the money.  It's not going to help the situation at all. 

 Lilypie - (CD61)     Lilypie - (CEud)

Brianna L.
on 6/27/09 7:27 am - Hesperia, CA
Thanks Bridget. Zoe has had her share of tantrums here and there but for the most part she is usually very well behaved...until yesterday! I think girls have a whole other attitude than boys, my Mom told me I used to act the same way...I guess it's pay back time :(  I hope for our sake they grow out of it quicker.

Brianna  RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs)  Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09

on 6/27/09 1:01 am - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
Consider youself lucky that you made it this far with out her being a brat.  Hannah started throwing tantrums before she was even a year old.  She also slaps,pinches, and sometimes bites.  The only thing that works with her to stop the slapping and pinching is to pop her on the leg.  I hate doing it, but she has to learn that kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
Does Zoe like playing with baby dolls?  Hannah is really sweet with her dolls.  All the time rocking them and petting on them.  I'm hoping that she will be nice to her new baby sister/brother!
Sorry about the cut in pay.  Hopefully since you won't be paying for childcare that things will be equal for you.
Brianna L.
on 6/27/09 7:33 am - Hesperia, CA
Thanks Amy. Zoe has had her bratty moments but never like this. She has been much better today, I guess she was just needing my attention since I was gone for a few days. I spanked her but yesterday and she laughed at me....WTH???  I guess I need to do it a little harder so it's not so funny next time, but I don't want to hurt her. Zoe has her baby doll and is usually very nice to it but sometimes she will throw it down and be mean to it and I tell her she needs to be nice to her baby and then she smiles and is mean to it again....what an attidude!

How are you feeling?

Brianna  RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs)  Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09

on 6/27/09 8:20 am - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
I bit Hannah one time after she bit me and she laughed.  I can't bring myself to do that hard enough.  
I'm feeling O.K.  I'm tired and having morning/all day sickness, but I guess that is to be expected.  Being pregnant this time is much harder!   I'm working longer hours (but I'm off on Fridays) and I can't come home and take a nap like I did before!
I have my first ultrasound July 8th.  I'm excited and nervous to make sure everything is going O.K.
Brianna L.
on 6/27/09 9:59 am - Hesperia, CA
Did you have morning sickness all day with Hannah? I know what you mean about getting to take a nap last pregnancy, whole dif story when you have a toddler running around you. I didn't think I was going to make it through the first 3 months I was so exhausted, it was nice that I only worked two days a week but the 12 hours killed me. Just remember it does get better and I hope the morning sickness goes away soon. I look forward to hearing about your ultrasound, I'm sure everything will be great! Is Hannah sleeping better at night?

Brianna  RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs)  Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09

on 6/27/09 10:36 pm - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
I had morning sickness all day with Hannah pretty much the entire pregnancy.  I even came home from the hospital throwing up (from the iron pills they put me on).  
Hannah is not sleeping much better.  She has strep throat right now, so that doesn't help any!  
When is your due date?
on 6/27/09 3:05 am - Sumner, WA
Sounds about right!  LOL!  Kellen is 21 months and has been saying "GO AWAY MOMMA!" he's been pulling hair, hitting, and kicking is his new thing.  We just want to beat the little monkey!  I was worried about how he'd be with a new baby also...then I started watching my friend's 1 yr old and all of a sudden he's been an ANGEL.  I don't know what it is!

Hopefully she will get used to having a sibling around quickly!  GOOD LUCK!

Mom to Holden (5 yrs), Kellen (2 yrs) and Clara and Chloe born 11/6/09

Brianna L.
on 6/27/09 7:39 am - Hesperia, CA
Thanks Sandy. Zoe is always very nice to other kids so I'm hoping it will be the same when the baby comes. But this is going to be so much dif because this baby is staying and mommy will be paying a lot of attention to it and I don't think she will be very happy about that....time will tell.

Brianna  RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs)  Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09

on 6/27/09 4:20 am


Your daughter's probably just having a bad day today.  Deep breaths! 

I so understand about money worries.  I was just laid off and right now, I'm not really sure how we're going to make it past the next month.  Pretty scary stuff.  Hang in there!  Somehow we will make it!  :)



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