My Sweet, Adorable One year old..........
Thanks for letting me vent
Brianna RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs) Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09
I hope something works out re the money issues. Would you qualify for any extras like food stamps or once Niklas is here, WIC? If you got WIC for Niklas, I think you'd get a little extra food also for any of the kids who are under you might even qualify for some WIC now? I don't know about everywhere, but years ago, I know the income requirements for WIC were higher than for foodstamps.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Thanks again

Brianna RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs) Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09
When Bella came she was happy - all she wanted to do was hold her and give her kisses. Most the time I don't even think she remembers tha Bella is here. They two are 22 months apart. It was never a matter of her hating the baby - she was just acting out. Now when she does it I don't give her any other reaction that a time out.
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

She was getting into something yesterday and I spanked her butt and she laughed at me.....OMG that just pissed me off even more! She's going to be a fun one! How do you guys put a 16 month old in time out???
Brianna RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs) Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09
Sorry about your financial situation too....UGH.....any way you can do some work from home at all? I know there are some of those jobs you can do....just until your little one gets there....
Zoe has a baby and she's usually very nice to it and now sometimes she throws it on the floor and is mean to it, makes me really worry about the new baby coming home. I will just have to keep telling her to be nice to the baby.
Brianna RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs) Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09
Take a deep breath. Your little girl is still sweet inside, just going through an adjustment period. I went through this with Ethan too.
When Ethan was 3 and I was PG with Emma, we had a few weeks of downright nasty and violent behavior. He even unbuckled in the car and was slapping me because I hadn't bought him a toy. I remember crying and talking to my mom later, and being terrified that I was raising a sociopath. Yeah, it sounds silly now, but at the time I was overwhelmed.
The best advice I can give you is to be consistent. Do not tolerate the behavior even once. Have a naughty spot that she sits in for 3 minutes (a minute for each year of her life) and after her time out, explain why she was there, that you love her and give her a hug. When she realizes there isn't any reward for negative behavior, it will stop. I found that dedicating even 15 minutes a night to snuggling and reading to Ethan also helped reinforce better behavior.
Ethan never once hit, hurt or was mean to his baby sister. In fact, he showed so much love and compassion that it astonished us. I think you will find the same when your baby is born.
Finances and the stress of living paycheck to paycheck sucks. I wish I had some great advice there, but we struggle too.
Lots of understanding and hugs to you!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
Brianna RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs) Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09