Kinda crappy news not sure how to take it......
So i went for my checkup 36wks an 5 days according to their calculations....well the baby is breached :( and although i had some reservations about actually giving birth...i feel as though i would have atleast liked to know that i COULD do it. now im nervous so many things could happen with the baby from now until he wants to come out. Any ideas/suggestions to try and get this baby to move.....ive been trying to read articles online {which they tell u NOT to b/c of false sites but im a nervous wreck now...}
**Ive tried the pillows under the pelvis for 10-15minutes and massaging my not sure that did much. but its only been a day so idk. im not even sure if id know if it moved anyways.
**Ive tried the pillows under the pelvis for 10-15minutes and massaging my not sure that did much. but its only been a day so idk. im not even sure if id know if it moved anyways.
Here is some information from ICAN that gives suggestions for turning a breech baby:
If you have a pool, use it. Also, I heard that getting down on all fours allows the baby to have more room to move.
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

If you have an ottoman, get on your knees, cross your arms and put them on the ottoman, put your chin on your arms and just hang out and watch tv for a while. Maybe try to do it a few times a day for 10-15 min each time. This also helps if you are having any lower back pressure.
If you could find a pool, like at the Y, then you can try that too. Just go for a swim. Swimming pools also help with pressure and being uncomfortable because you don't have the baby weight pushing on everything.
If you could find a pool, like at the Y, then you can try that too. Just go for a swim. Swimming pools also help with pressure and being uncomfortable because you don't have the baby weight pushing on everything.
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

I am 2 days behind you and my baby is breech too. The doctor said it would pretty much be a miracle if she was able to turn at this point. Although, my friends daughter made a miraculous flip at 39 weeks! They tell me that at this point there are a number of reasons for the baby being breech such as placement of the placenta, the cord, and lack of room and fluid to adaquately flip. I hope it happens for you though, because though it is unlikely it could still happen.
Ya my Dr has no faith at fact he is being a real doosh.....tells me next week would be a good idea to try an do the C section if they cant position the baby...just got into an huge tiff on the fone telln him he isnt gona go in 3-4weeks early to get my baby!! {because i personally think the timing is wrong for my due date!! jus my opinion thou} so yea. im not a happy camper. Is ur placenta in the front?? im wondering if that is why? b/c everything else has gone PERFECT throughout this pregnancy.....which is kinda scaring me cuz placenta in the front is not suppose to be an easy task for ppl with placentas in the front.....i just wish i knew if it wus sumthin that i could of done differntly that woulda made the baby now trying everything possible from taking tubs to massaging to hands an knees {which is so uncomfortable}..pillows...idk sumthinm im praying works!
Did they offer to try and turn the baby for you? i know several people who have successfully had the doctor mannually turn the baby my cousin for one. Hope you find something that helps and turns that baby around, I had to have a c-section the first time because my baby was breech and my docs were useless, I was young but in hindsite I would have begged them to do more!
Good luck!
Good luck!