16DPO, BFN...and no AF?!
After my IUI this month, I finally went and POAS this weekend and got a BFN...which I expected since I have no 'symptoms' of pregnancy....no sore boobs or anything. I'm 16DPO today (CD32)...and I normally have a very regular 30 day cycle (though last month was 31 days), and no signs of AF coming. I don't get a lot of cramps or anything w/AF...I just have a very light trace of pink CM a day or so before she makes her appearance...but nada. My temps haven't dropped or anything.
Would it be worth it to go do a blood test, or do I just wait AF out?
Would it be worth it to go do a blood test, or do I just wait AF out?
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Mom to Khaled
Personally, I'd keep POAS, with different kinds/brands. That's just me though, I'm an addict. I'm not even trying, nor will I be again, but still, seeing those boxes in the store gives me a little cringe...lol. I sure hope this is it for you. How many days past IUI are you? Did they do an u/s to determine ovulation? If you think or know you'll be needing to get on anything as soon as you know you're pregnant (ie. progesterone), then I'd do the blood test. If not, keep POAS, and I hope you get your BFP this month!
I am sorry you got a BFN. My RE does a blood test because when taking progestrone you won't get a period. I would always POAS so I would know if I was pregnant or not even when going for a blood test. Then, once the blood test was negative, he had me stop the progestrone and my period came and we started the IUI cyle all over again.
I am sorry you got a BFN. My RE does a blood test because when taking progestrone you won't get a period. I would always POAS so I would know if I was pregnant or not even when going for a blood test. Then, once the blood test was negative, he had me stop the progestrone and my period came and we started the IUI cyle all over again.
Thanks Traci. Someone else had mentioned the same thing to me...and it makes sense...so I'll try that. Normally I NEVER have cramps...but damn do I have them today.
Have to figure out what Plan B will be for this month...we're supposed to be going on vacation exactly at the time I'd be O'ing next...so have to decide if we'll try it w/just fertility drugs or skip it entirely. I don't mind the trying it w/the drugs...except we'll be sharing the hotel room w/my son...so it would mean sneaking off to the bathroom to DTD...and that doesn't do much for me when he's in the next room. ; ) Maybe I'll just give my body a rest from all the estrogen/progesterone, etc...and start again next month.
Have to figure out what Plan B will be for this month...we're supposed to be going on vacation exactly at the time I'd be O'ing next...so have to decide if we'll try it w/just fertility drugs or skip it entirely. I don't mind the trying it w/the drugs...except we'll be sharing the hotel room w/my son...so it would mean sneaking off to the bathroom to DTD...and that doesn't do much for me when he's in the next room. ; ) Maybe I'll just give my body a rest from all the estrogen/progesterone, etc...and start again next month.
January 2008,
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Mom to Khaled
My advice is to stay on the drugs and try on your own. I know it won't be ideal but it will be best. My RE said to do it three months in a row and then take a break. Well, I got pregnant on on my third try. He said that by keeping it consistant for three months they had a higher success rate. I had a better chance each month.
I am in NO WAY telling you what you should, just advising what my RE says and what worked for me. I did notice that I had better eggs (more at maturity) each month when it was time for IUI as the medcine increased in my system each month.
When we try again (after the months of wait from the MC), we will do three months straight again and see what happens.
My fingers are crossed for you!!!!
I am in NO WAY telling you what you should, just advising what my RE says and what worked for me. I did notice that I had better eggs (more at maturity) each month when it was time for IUI as the medcine increased in my system each month.
When we try again (after the months of wait from the MC), we will do three months straight again and see what happens.
My fingers are crossed for you!!!!
Oh Holly, I'm sorry it was a BFN! When I was on Clomid, the RE told me to continue it consistently and not miss a cycle. The hotel room might be awkward, but you could use the backseat of your car....it works for teenagers that don't want to conceive
FWIW: When TTC#1, DH and I went on vacation and took a month off from IUI (though I continued meds). We DTD even though we were going to have IUI the next month. 9 months later, my first son was born.
Hoping, praying and crossing everything for you next month!

FWIW: When TTC#1, DH and I went on vacation and took a month off from IUI (though I continued meds). We DTD even though we were going to have IUI the next month. 9 months later, my first son was born.
Hoping, praying and crossing everything for you next month!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old