I am new to this TTC thing.....
Thanks in advance for your help.
Welcome! I just went off my bc in april. My first cycle off bc was weird too, and I wasn't sure if I could even OV because I praticially never had. Although I never had a confirmed diagnosis, my Dr. told me before my WLS that I probably had PCOS. Now I am 175lbs down and I am ovulating. Last month it DID HURT a lot. Sorry for the tmi but my nipples hurt soo bad and my stomach was cramping like crazy. Go out tomorrow and buy an Ovulation Predictor kit. I like clearblue digital. I am supposed to be OV tomorrow or Monday, praying for a pregnancy this month!!! You can do other things like track your cm (cervical mucus) or your BBT (basal body temp) but to me it's too annoying. To be sure go out and buy a OV predictor kit. They are very reliable
Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
I would check your CM or get a Ovulation Kit.
I just came off BC April 25th, it was a crazy month got pregnant first month had a miscarriage and now waiting to figure out what a normal cycle looks like. I think with us when we come off BC its hard to know what a normal cycle is going to look like so checking our Ovulation symptoms is going to be the only way we can really know, those who have been TTC longer are going to be able to just know they ovulate at a more consistant time than we do.
Good luck and welcome to the board :)
MC 09/2009
MC 11/2009
D&C, polyp removal, and division of partial septum 4/20/2010