Not this month - Surgery question too
I'm scheduled for hernia repair surgery on 7/2 and am wondering if we should skip trying this month since my fertile time will be the weekend before surgery. Any thoughts? I know my surgeon won't do the surgery if I'm definitely pg, but that soon after O I doubt it would even show up if I was. I definitely want to get the hernia repaired while it's small and not causing problems, so I'm going to do the surgery, just not 100% sure if we should TTC this month or wait a cycle.
Any thoughts?
I think the obvious answer to this question would be to wait. Why on earth would you even want to consider getting pregnant during a month in which you are going in for surgery?
Even if the doctor didn't see your pregnancy before surgery... why would you want to sneak it by him? There is a REASON doctors don't want to perform surgeries on pregnant women unless absolutely necessary. It is because there ARE risks involved, regardless of how far along you are.
I understand wanting to try for a baby and having that opportunity, but part of pregnancy and parenting is sacrifice. You sacrifice your time, your body and YOUR WANTS and NEEDS. Your child comes first the moment you realized that you have conceived. You no longer come first, they do. So you need to make sure that you reduce as many risks (that are within your control) as possible. That is why most women don't drink, smoke, or do harmful activities during their pregnancies. Elminate the risk to your future child and don't get pregnant before you have a hernia repair surgery.
I guess my question was more on the timing, if my fertile time is supposed to be around June 27-30 if I got pg would it show on a blood test within 3 days? If not, I'd rather not risk it this month.
My first inclination is to skip this month and wait till the next cycle, I was just curious to know from the more knowledgeable people here what their opinions would be on how soon a blood test would show a positive. Sorry I wasn't more clear on what I was asking. I've already cut out a number of potential risks, so I'm definitely not in the mind set of trying to get away with things at the expense of a healthy pregnancy or child.