Mirena IUC Pros & Cons?
Can you plz share your Mirena experience? I've been warned about sporadic bleeding, partner feeling the string, pain during and after insertion, hormonal/mood issues and weight gain. Do you trust the effectiveness? Or add condoms? Are your periods better now?
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
I've had 2 mirena IUD's. I LOVED the first one and HATED the second one. I had the first one put in right before having lap-band surgery. It hurt really bad, but it hurts worst if you've never had a baby. I had it for almost 2 years. I had very, very light periods if I had them at all. I didn't have any weight gain (fresh out of surgery though). Hubby never complained about feeling the string if he did. I very much trusted the effectiveness of it. The second IUD I had put it at 6 week post partum appointment. It wasn't nearly as painful to be inserted (it still hurt though). I bleed and cramped the entire 4 months I had the IUD. When I had it taken out the NP said that the strings were really bent instead of being straight. She said she thought it may have been trying to come and that was causing my trouble. I decided not to be on any hormonal bc, so we had been using condoms. I'm now almost 6 weeks pregnant, so obviously that didn't work so well for us lol (it really does only take one time of not wearing one!).
I had Mirena for 4 years until 3 weeks ago. We're TTC # 2, but anyway ...
I don't recall much discomfort upon insertion, no hormal or mood issues, no "extra" weight gain and never a worry that it wasn't doing it's job! My husband never felt the string. And, the best part was I didn't have a period for 4 years!!
As for having it removed - it was just a little tug and done. No biggie for me.
ETA: I didn't have to be on my period to have it placed ..
I had Mirena for 4 years until 3 weeks ago. We're TTC # 2, but anyway ...

I don't recall much discomfort upon insertion, no hormal or mood issues, no "extra" weight gain and never a worry that it wasn't doing it's job! My husband never felt the string. And, the best part was I didn't have a period for 4 years!!
As for having it removed - it was just a little tug and done. No biggie for me.
ETA: I didn't have to be on my period to have it placed ..
I got mine put in Dec 17 2008. I was on my period at the time (they require you to be menstrating for insertion) and bleeding fairly heavy. Insertion was a bit painful but only when they put the clamp on my cervix and released it. I stopped bleeding the next day and have since had 2 days of light spotting.....and thats it. So really I can say no periods while on it. I tend to get pms/hormonal about once a month like I would if I was having periods - no clue if that is normal or not! My dh has never felt the string but when I had it put in I was told that the strings "soften" so if your dh can feel it, it would go away with time as the strings absorb your fluids. Even if I didn't trust the effectiveness it doesn't matter as my dh had a vasectomy 2 weeks before I had it inserted LOL (Addison is a product of Nuva ring at 10 months out of RNY and Abigail was concieved 3 months after I had Addison while exclusively breastfeeding and no period so I was NOT chancing another surprise baby!)
I have to say I do love mine, but for every 2 people that love it I seemed to find 1 who didn't! Good luck deciding.
I have to say I do love mine, but for every 2 people that love it I seemed to find 1 who didn't! Good luck deciding.
I loved mine. It took a few months to get my periods worked out, I seemed to spot alot and had a period every few weeks but that only last about 2 months. Then they went away and thank God so did my horrible cramps! It didn't hurt much when they put it in, just alittle crampy. I went to a picnic afterward and did fine. I don't remember having to be on my period to have it inserted. And it didn't hurt at all when it was removed. I plan on getting another one when I can. Oh, and my husband never said anything about the strings. I trusted it 100%. And I didn't have any weight gain with it either.
I had mine Mirena for 5 years, and I loved it! It was 100% effective with no other methods used. No weight gain as far as I can tell, and really it has a lower risk of that than other types of contraceptive because the hormone dose you're getting is a LOT lower since it right at the source. I didn't have spotting with it, in fact I didn't have periods at all. I did have pain during insertion and cramps for a few days after, but I had mine put in having not had a baby previously and that apparently makes things worse.
I'd be amazed if anyone's partner could feel the string, it is really, really thin filament. My string actually retracted up into my uterus at some point, which I guess could be the only complication I had. It just meant that wen it was time to take it out, they sedated me so it wouldn't be so uncomfortable when they dilated me to go in after it.
I'd be amazed if anyone's partner could feel the string, it is really, really thin filament. My string actually retracted up into my uterus at some point, which I guess could be the only complication I had. It just meant that wen it was time to take it out, they sedated me so it wouldn't be so uncomfortable when they dilated me to go in after it.
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.
I have a love hate relationship with mine. Had it inserted in Dec, minimal pain (had it inserted on the last day of period, Dr said it is best to do then), no weight gain, no hormonal issues. I suffer severely with pms, it is better but not gone. However, I have 10 day periods. they are normal for the first 5-6 days, start out slow, heavy on the 3rd day and then thinning out. But then it is light spotting for the next 4-5 days, almost too light for a tampon but too much to not worry about. Each month I am hoping that the period goes away but so far no luck. I am thinking of calling Dr. about it, I am notsure if the spotting is worth taking i out,I love the safety I feel with the Mirena, I have no doubt that we are safe.
I attempted to have it put in last month...but I couldnt tolerate the pain of the dialation of my uterus. I had a baby 8 years ago, but I never dialated then, and ended up with a C-section to get him out. So Im back on the birth control pill, Orthotrycyclin, which I am pleased with so far. I wanted to get prego so bad, still do at times, but life is just too busy and stressful right now. I wish I could help more...